
Monday, October 09, 2006

Thee SPOT for Cleveland Country Music !


Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 9, 2006

The "L" clash continues...the numbers have changed AGAIN in the past 15 minutes

Laredo - Dixie Girl
47.04 %

Lawless - The Hardway
52.96 %

Clashing Country

7:37 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

The Curtis Brothers have a special page dedicated to FAQ regarding the Cleveland Country Cares event on October 28th to benefit the Alzheimer's Association.

7:54 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Laredo - Dixie Girl
46.99 %

Lawless - The Hardway
53.01 %

9:11 AM  
Blogger simon said...

Yoo-hoo Yahoos
tell LMAO at Webster, to check out the Laredo myspace. It's called irony.

9:35 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

And we have a winner!!!

2:07 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

And yet more changes to the voting procedure.

2:09 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

The voting is far from done. The "L" clash was the first round.
I have voted...but have NOT received my validation email, but am a recipient of the spiffy newsletter. Soon, I will have a scam/win card for valuable merchandise.
I support register to vote...makes sense to put as many obstacles in the way as possible to assist zealous fans from fraudulently voting.


4:59 PM  
Blogger jdh said...

First, let me say from myself and the rest of the boys, thanks to all who supported and voted. We need you again this week because Kristi has herself a good song with good production!

Second, I'm going to go ahead and respond to a few quotes from LMAO.

LMAO said: "Lawless is learning another lesson the hardway!"

I say: That's a lesson I didn't mind learning.

LMAO said: "Let's hear about the trains.

I say: It's still rolling along. (At least for another week)

LMAO said: "I am a prisonor of my own ego."

I say: Why yes you are!

LMAO said: "The percent for Lawless just keeps falling. JDH, I know you are reading. Consider this LMAO at you, and your nasal forced twang."

I say: NOTHING (that was just so stupid that I have no response)

LMAO - Your lesson is one from an old proverb: "Don't count your chickens before they've hatched". Prognostication should not be your future. You came back out of the woodwork when you thought you saw an opportunity for yourself. Guess what, wrong again! You once again look like a fool, and I now understand certain people's reasons for anonimity. It allows you to not be chastised publicly for your idiocy!

Crawl back to your hole!

5:35 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 10, 2006

Good Morning!
Guess who went to bed at 7:30 last night? Lots to talk about. I'll catch up later this afternoon.
"Team Lawless"...get your game hat on, you are playing to WIN.
The challenger has been notified...

7:12 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Lawless - 87.50%
Kristi - 12.50%

11:45 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LMAO at web.. do you have a job? i mean really I'm thinkn some one with your lack of intelligence is unemployed.. for god sakes get over your Hardy jealousy.. you rant and rave and just seems to me that plain and simple.. YOUR JEALOUS! I mean really do you go back and read your posts? LOL My 16 yr old is more mature.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

haha hi nobeer.. umm ive been here just reading at times cuz too busy at work these days to be on here too much. LOL.. howz u?

12:56 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Im good.. finally winding down from all the summer festivities/bdays/weddings and such.. playing suzie homemaker LMAO

2:22 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

LAWLESS offers a PRIZE PACKAGE! (CD, shirt, autographed 8x10)

Simply forward the confirmation e-mail the station sends after you VOTE to

4:52 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Laredo pledges full support...

"It was a great battle and we would like to congratulate Lawless on their victory. You guys have Laredo's full support to help you through the next round."

4:55 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

A Message from a dear "friend"




5:13 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 11, 2006

The Curtis Brothers have a special page dedicated to FAQ regarding the Cleveland Country Cares event on October 28th to benefit the Alzheimer's Association.

6:36 AM  
Blogger simon said...

The obvious things are always missed.

8:44 AM  
Blogger simon said...

Don Ruby Lucabrazzi
You must have been reading my mind, and the internet spirits interuppted my conection just in time.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

lmao at webster - sounds like you would LOVE to be sitting where JD is sitting right about now.. PRETTY!! I can guarantee your one liners and such are no battle for him.. TRUST ME on that!!

11:39 AM  
Blogger jdh said...

LMAO - I would gladly go round and round with you verbally, any time, any place. Unfortunately for me, it would be like clapping with one hand....useless, yet fun for a minute until I got bored.

Third grade insults are all you EVER bring to this game. Spend some time reading and expanding your vocabulary. Get a clue, grip and life, then come at me. You're like a broken record, and a bad one at that. Skip, skip, skip....same line over and over and over. So tired, so petty, so.........YOU!

If you want me to respond to any further posts, please come up with something new. I know that thought, originality and witticism aren't your strong suits though, so please let me type your response for you.

Here goes: I'm lmao at you. You're a bad singer. You have thin skin. Oh, and you smell. Nanny nanny, boo boo.

That's about right isn't it?

12:49 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


3:06 PM  
Blogger jdh said...

Nakked - I'm sure that I see LMAO more often than we might think. Sometimes the biggest critics still can't stay away. One of the bad things about the internet is that it's a place for the scum of the earth to hide.

3:30 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

4:02 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

What's tomorrow, Nakked?

4:13 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


4:16 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Oh sure....leave me in the dark! LOL

4:35 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


5:00 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Well...I guess anyone that was looking for Wednesday night country found it on their own.
My real job has become quite demanding, and requires a majority of my waking hours.

For the record...I did notify Miss Kristi Warner (twice) that she was the new challenger in the "Clashing Country". It was the fair and honest thing to do.

Please...let's NOT get carried away. Perhaps, a better approach would be to tell us something delightful rather than engaging the foes.

Thanks for stopping in. My husband and I are fortunate that we can contribute something back to the community, and financially support research for this devastating disease. We are hopeful the Cleveland Country Cares event is very successful. The quarterly newsletter from the Greater Cleveland Alzheimer's Association promoted the event.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

From "Foot Notes"

tammec said...
hey foot, what about conrad morgan and the country raiders? how about turned on country with bobby lowe? denver is my uncle ,era is my dad and conrad was my best friends dad ,remember, gail was in that band also tammec

8:54 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 12, 2006

Good Morning!
She's the Goddess of Cyberspace...the picture!

In my search for Thursday night country;

Whiskeybent has NOTHING on their site, just that awful blue. The October 29th gig @ Willoughby Brewing has landed on the Heartland site.

Heartland updates their schedule, but NOT their photos, bios, or members.

North of Texas looks to be booked on

Crazy Rita's does not have a site,(HDIT) and have been erratic with Thursday night country.

Lawless is at The Three Legged Dog tonight. However, the Slim and Chubby's site has Lawless there tonight. Lawless is at Slim & Chubby's tomorrow night?

Eddie and friends are appearing as County Line at The Sly Fox.

7:33 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


10:33 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Not that it matters, the 10/29 Willoughby Brewing didn't just "land" on HL's schedule. It's been listed for about 6 weeks.

Char, it sucks "growing up", huh? Especially when there are teenagers around and you're expected to set some sort of an example. LOL

Did anyone else have trouble logging on here today?

11:07 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LMAO ok ok.. we've had many nites where we both have proven it..LOL
IE: breakfast at your house w/ TOny LMFAO@that

11:11 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


11:22 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Girls just wanna have fun!

11:24 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


11:31 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


2:08 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Ziggy, you may very have seen snow! I have friend in Brook Park who said she saw some a little while ago. No I haven't been over to TimJ's myspace. Haven't been to his blog either. Should I bother?

3:34 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Oops. Missed a word. You may very well have seen snow.....

3:44 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Good morning to all!

Looking ahead to Cleveland country this evening:

Backwoods - Off
Conestoga - Painesville Rec Center
Curtis Bros. Band - Aces
Heartland - Texas Hold 'Em Benefit for SafeNet, Erie, PA
Kentucky Thunder - Bullfrogs
Lawless - Slim & Chubby's
Silver Spur - Shamrock Country Club

11:34 AM  
Blogger Foot said...

Hey gang!
REALLY last minute schedule change....

BACKWOODS.......Fat Boy's

And YES, I will have benefit tickets with me!

5:35 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Saturday night country in Cleveland:

Backwoods - Doc's
Conestoga - Station II
Curtis Bros. Band - TBA (Please check their website later today)
Heartland - Jewel's Dance Hall
Kentucky Thunder - Ace's
Lawless - Off
Silver Spur - Shamrock Country Club

11:19 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 16, 2006

Thanks to Miss Molly...your help is always appreciated.

Hope everyone had a fab weekend.
Two feet of snow did NOT hinder our Niagara Falls week-end get away.
EVERYONE should go to Detroit first! Did you know the speed limit in Michigan is 70?
A road trip with Mr. Webster is such a hoot...ya just NEVER know what obscure music he has down-loaded and thrown into the car. Remember, our last trip...we had a Heartland CD.
The NY Thruway re-opened on Sunday, other than the downed trees, if ya had NOT seen the news, you would have NEVER known that Buffalo had been buried in a thunder snow and is still in a state of emergency.
We were able to tune in 98.3 The Bull about 20 miles east of Erie, didn't last long, static and crossover noise from other stations in the area way BEFORE the 90/2 split. I was hoping to hear something about "Clashing Country".

A new Monday, another win for Lawless...and another "clash".

7:13 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Ziggy, this person feels the need to speak of others on his myspace but doesn't want those people to see it? What a baby! I feel so sorry for his wife to have to live with all kinds of whining. I haven't ventured over there to see any comments about me because's just not worth my time. My posts were deleted from his blog, he doesn't know me and obviously anything he has to say on myspace with my name attached is purely speculation. And desperation. He apparently NEEDS the attention. I don't. Time for a refill on that medication?

Web, always great to have you back. Glad to hear you had a great time. I went to Seneca Allegany on Sunday and it's a pretty nice casino. On the way back, saw about 20 electrical trucks heading up towards Buffalo. Hopefully the state of emergency will end soon.

12:25 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Clashing Country

The Hardway (Champion)
50.00 %

The Trailer Choir
Last Man Standing (Challenger)
50.00 %

5:27 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Bulletin Message from Rust Records;

Hey everyone!

Today is your last day to vote for the PovertyNeck Hillbillies on GAC TV Top 20! They have been #2 for 4 weeks and were #4 last week. We need to get them back up to #2 or #1 if we can! So start spaming up your MySpace profiles, telling your friends and family members. Lets try to get them to #1

Great American Country TOP 20 Country CountdownVOTE HERE

5:59 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 17, 2006

Lawless (Champion)
The Hardway
80.95 %

The Trailer Choir (Challenger)
Last Man Standing
19.05 %

6:47 AM  
Blogger jdh said...

Thanks to everyone who has voted for us in the "Clashing Country" contest.

Web, thank you personally!(you know why)

I've been asked why we don't do a "news" page on the site. We're trying something new - CLICK IT!

8:55 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


9:35 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

I agree. Nice job JDH. Good luck in the Clash this week.

9:42 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

The Hardway (Champion)
86.67 %

The Trailer Choir***
Last Man Standing
13.33 %

***For the "curious"...Trailer Choir has been notified they are "clashing".

Lawless tonight @ Parma Tavern

3:57 PM  
Blogger me said...

Glad you had a nice weekend Web and Tim, mine was in Chicago.

2:15 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 18, 2006

Today, I am 39 again! It's been a grand revisit to 39...a weekend get-away with my FAB husband, and a limousine to Niagara on the Lake for dinner.

Thank you for the pleasant words towards Mr. Webster and myself.
With the niceties stated...YOU provoke the criticisms.
If you can't stand the heat, get outta the kitchen. By the looks of things...don't expect a cease fire from the war of the words.

7:29 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

TimJ, do NOT tell me what I can and canNOT say. I said I felt sorry for your wife. Absolutely NOTHING against her. Actually, I give her TONS of credit for putting up with whining. However, YOU have no control over me or what I say. Get...a grip, a life AND over yourself.

Best wishes to you Webster!!! Raise a margarita glass and enjoy a toast to many more good years!!

9:42 AM  
Blogger jdh said...

Everybody sing.....Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Webster, happy birthday to you!

All sounds good in the Web household! Much love.

10:33 AM  
Blogger me said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:07 AM  
Blogger me said...

I will just go back to ignoring insignificant people, its really easy if you try LOL. Right after I make my observations.
I look at this thing very rarely and get a chuckle every time about all the useful info that that SOME people in the legal field profession share and have time to do on the internet at work.
Voting for bands online and sending emails. I work for myself so I don't have those restrictive issues. I am married and don't need a cat to keep me warm at night either or whatever some of you use.
I can take the heat its just a little flicker, so far though. Bring it on the whining guy is standing by.LOL repost to fix spelling ROTHLMAOAM

11:10 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

TimJ = insignificant.
You "work" for yourself...that's always a great excuse. Love that one! Luckily I have no restrictive issues at work. It's amazing when you actually "work" for someone who trusts you to get the work done AND be on the internet at the same time. I've been at my job for 19 years and wouldn't have lasted this long if that's ALL I did, i.e., send e-mails or vote for different things. I can hold a job; you are "self-employed". LOL You don't check this blog but "very rarely"? That's a blatant LIE but hey, maybe one person out there may believe you. Not sure which one but it's worth a try. Bottom line - YOU are a petty little man who says stupid crap about people you don't know. I do not ever go to your blog but you say things about me on your myspace? Guess I'm not so "insignificant" after all or you wouldn't have bothered. You must have trouble taking on a man so you go for a woman you don't know! ROFLMAO. Sorry to the rest of you for my ramblings to such a small-minded little man who doesn't read this blog very often....guess he won't see this post! Unless his ESP starts working overtime.

11:36 AM  
Blogger simon said...

Singing Happy Birthday to Mrs. Webster along with Hardy.

1:15 PM  
Blogger simon said...

Is it
Won't you go away little girl
Wish you wouldn't stay little girl
Won't you go away little girl
Wooo ooo go away.
Please go away.

1:16 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Frankley Speaking - PERFECT!

1:24 PM  
Blogger simon said...

Why are you "stalking" a self-employed married man that does not like cats?

1:29 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Because that has always been my dream...............LOL

1:32 PM  
Blogger simon said...

This guy is the great eraser.

"Are you here again? I am curious as to when you are going to get a life? LOL I mean really does your boss know you surf the web all day or should I send them an email. HMMM which firm was is again. Or should I call Jim and tell him his fan club prez is spewing my way again?
You stepped over the line and don't ever speak of my wife again."

Funny, how anytime something is mentioned here, it disappears there. Must be the ESP.

3:27 PM  
Blogger simon said...

Mommy, she looked at my myspace.
Mommy, she read my myspace.
Mommy, they are making fun of me.
wah wah wah


3:32 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Frankley, the fact of the matter is I didn't do a darn thing to deserve being talked about on his Myspace. Guess he just randomly picked me and needed someone to b*tch about. Really, that's fine. I couldn't care any less at the moment. As a matter a fact, I really didn't take much offense to it...but boy, say something about him and he jumps all over it. Wimpy, whiny baby. (Remember - my dream guy! LOL) No whining coming from me. All I did was question why he would feel the need to say anything about me. I won't post my law firm here obviously but my BOSS would even get a great laugh out of it if anyone wanted to "tattle".

3:38 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:39 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

I haven't read his myspace. No desire to but I gather that he's not calling me a wonderful gal. LOL

3:40 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Wednesday Night Country

Black River Band...ACE's
Lawless...The Savannah
77 South...Blue Moose

Thanks to ALL for the Birthday wishes... very much appreciated! OBSERVATIONS after dark.

4:44 PM  
Blogger Foot said...


I hope your birthday was everything you wanted it to be!
My wishes for your day are as always, much love, much peace & happiness, and little or no lower back pain!

7:32 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Thanks Foot!

Funny thing...I don't think I am the only one with lower back pain. Ya can't be rolling around on the floor, laughing out loud and NOT expereince little or no lower back pain unless your 19...well maybe 29.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 19, 2006

that's it...Good Morning!
NOT much time for anything else.

OH... it's "give timj a break day"!

7:29 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Now who designated THAT for the day? Give someone who rarely reads this blog a break? I don't see the point.

8:57 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

WooHoo! I won the Lawless prize pack!! Keep up the great work, guys!

11:38 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Hey "student" Nobeer. How ya doing??

Now, when I was at Ace's last Saturday, Kentucky Thunder did a great job of promoting the CCC event and mentioned several times that there were six bands performing. Not sure if WB is still involved. I'm sure one of the "Dons" can shed some light on that if they wish. :-)

1:07 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Ziggy, that's what I figured too about WB. I've heard plenty but don't like to say much about them because I get slammed every time. I thought perhaps they might "reunite" for the CCC event though. Thanks for clarification, Rubyking!

4:25 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

So far...
It looks like Kentucky Thunder @ The Sly Fox tonight!

No Slim & Chubby's
No Crazy Rita's

Erica most accounts Whiskey Bent is hell bound.

I concur with Ziggy.

Cool Beans on the prize pack from Lawless. How is the new office lamp?

Thanks for all the Cleveland Country Cares event updates.

Mr. Webster
Thanks for the best birthday you! I hear you are working on a new project.

5:25 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 20, 2006

Good's FRIDAY!

I will link the sponsor page to the front of the blog later today.
YES...EVENT DETAILS will take you to all the updated information for the Cleveland country cares event.
Again...thanks for keeping us informed.

Thank you to EVERYBODY that has sent/posted/called/participated in my most recent 39th celebration...especially my husband! He is all that!

8:25 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Webster, I'm doing better today. For now, my Mondays and Fridays will be noticeably brighter.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Kentucky Thunder is at Slam Jams.

12:50 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Ernie.. GO STEELERS!!!

1:39 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Ron is at Timewarp in Westlake with his rock band tonight. Let's hook up there...LOL

4:27 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Friday Night Country

Black River Band...OFF
Conestoga...The Shamrock
Curtis Brothers...Johnny Rotten's
Heartland...Fat Boy's
Kentucky Thunder...Slam Jam's
Relentless...Wild West Saloon
Road House...Quaker Steak
Silver Spur...Bull Frog's
77 south...OFF

5:13 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 21, 2006

Good Lord...Don't know about you, but our server went gown last night around 10 PM, and was out till sometime this afternoon. It was NOT a COMCASTIC day!

Happy Sweetest Day
Love this non-holiday! It's all about the ROMANCE! Yippy Skippy

It's Saturday night, for your dining, dancing, dating and drinking pleasure;

Black River Band...The Dog House
Conestoga...The Shamrock
Curtis Brothers...Ravenna
Heartland...Fat Boy's
Kentucky Thunder...The Pump
Mr. Webster...The Red Parrot
Relentless...Tanya Tucker
Silver Spur...Wadsworth Eagles
77 South...OFF
Vicious Cycle...Geno's Tavern

7:34 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

With the Internet being down for at least 18 hours...I am like so behind in everything.
Emails, Research, Uploads, Downloads, Copy/Paste, E-bay, MySpace, Yahoo and my blog.

The things I thought I would get to on Saturday...
The Lawless gig was a benefit for toys for tots. Foot figured out how to send out the Cleveland Country Cares Alzheimer's Benefit as an event on MySpace.
LINKS to Sara Evans, Keith Urban, THE SPONSOR PAGE, and Friday Fruitcakes. Great emails from Avalon Moses and IfI to post.
Maybe on Sunday...

Sweetest Day is a HOLIDAY at the Webster household. Hope it is at your house!

1:38 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 22, 2006

If ya all are interested in what is on my mind this all are gonna have to "turn LEFT at the light".

If ya don't know what "LEFT" means than you just stay the course.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

The Dixie Chicks will appear on Oprah, Wednesday, October 25, to talk about the documentary film Shut Up & Sing.

Then Good Morning America on Thursday, October 26th and the Charlie Rose Show on PBS.

Shut Up & Sing will open in New York City and Los Angeles on Friday, October 27.

VH1 Storytellers: Dixie Chicks will premiere on October 28th....on VH1 of course.

The Dixie Chicks are scheduled to perform on the American Music Awards on November 21.

11:32 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

There are countless links to choose from regarding Keith Urban and his recent admission into an undisclosed rehab facility with his adoring wife by his side. Like she didn’t know BEFORE she married him???
My headline..."Keith pukes on Nicole, off to rehab he goes."
Here is a vague explanation as to why Keith Urban has entered rehab...again!

12:00 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Husband is unemployed following a bid for the Senate as a Republican.

Husband denies having an affair with the nanny.

Husband drains joint account set up for church tithing

Husband frequently watches pornography.

Husband has nude pictures of wife

Wife took nude pictures of husband.

Wife committed adultery first with Kenny Chesney.

Wife leaves “Dancing with Stars”.

It must be...Sara Evans divorce.

The sorid details with links to court documents.

12:23 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Well, I figured out my Halloween costume. I'm going to show up at a HL gig as a Lawless fan! Got my prize pack on Sat. THANKS guys! (Just so we're clear, I am ALREADY a Lawless fan).

9:32 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Anyone know the final "score" in the Clash? I only get the intro on the Clashing Country one is listed though.

2:54 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

It was close to 100 to nothing!
Plus or minus 3.

I notified The Trailer Choir twice...they obviously did NOT care, or none of their votes counted?

I voted for Lawless, but did NOT get a verification email. I did NOT write Roger to tell him.
OH...I didn't enter the Lawless prize package sweepstakes.

3:46 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Did the Bull forget it's Monday?

No new clash yet!

6:37 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

OK...whose running the show over at 98.3 The Bull?
Where is bulloney when ya need him
or justen?

I jetted off an email to Roger and the boys to see what time week # 4 commences.
If I remember correctly, Miss Kellie was awarded an on-air interview between champion week 3 and champion week 4.
I also inquired what day/time I should drive to Painesville to hear it?
No, I didn't say that, the part about driving to Painesville, I did ask about a Lawless on-air interview.'s just my computer, but the space that should have the "clash" is still white on my computer.

9:36 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Good one!

I hope Holly is gone by the end of the week. I have notified the google bot.

9:48 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

NEW backpage Ad
NEW “country” Club

9:55 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Clearly, something is amiss at The Bull. Monday came and went without a new clash for Lawless.

Did the whole place have Monday off, are they running on clear channel auto pilot?

Does webstercountry mail go directly into a round file?


7:03 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

LOL. Web, your mail probably DOES get filed in the round file! Almost 9:30 Tuesday and still nothing on the Clash page......Perhaps the exorbitant amount of Lawless votes crashed the clash.

9:28 AM  
Blogger jdh said...

Molly - Hope you enjoy your prize package. I understand it was stuffed pretty good?

Side note on CCC - My mom donated one of Home Interiors best selling prints for auction. It's a huge tiger picture. Word also has it that our "sponsor" is donating something pretty cool as well.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

JDH, thanks again. Yep - it was more than I expected and very much appreciated.

10:05 AM  
Blogger me said...

You vote has not been counted yet.
You have been sent an email to validate your vote.
Thank you.
Click to Listen
Lawless - The Hardway (3 week champion)
0.00 %

Click to Listen
Kellie Pickler - Red High Heels

100.00 %

1:50 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Better late than never I suppose....

1:52 PM  
Blogger me said...

That's better!
Click to Listen
Lawless - The Hardway (3 week champion)

91.67 %

Click to Listen
Kellie Pickler - Red High Heels

8.33 %

2:44 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

According to Roger at the Bull, the reason for the delay was that the internet was down yesterday.

3:11 PM  
Blogger simon said...

Look who just stepped off the short bus on his 8 hour pass to pay us a visit. Is the new medicine working out? Does Dr. Cuddy know where you are?

3:58 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Good girl, Kellie Pickler. She gets my vote.
Sorry guys!

You got a response...she sighs!
Ya know, I am on the LIST, the list that probably has been circulated to every clear channel station this side of the Mississippi!

5:37 PM  
Blogger Foot said...

It's almost you have your tickets yet?

6:09 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 25, 2006

Clashing Country

Lawless (Champion)
The Hardway
87.10 %

Kellie Pickler (Challenger)
Red High Heels
12.90 %

6:10 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Following is a message sent to the Board of Trustees from Peggy Barnes Szpatura, The Greater Cleveland Alzheimer's Association Program Director:

This is a reminder to anyone who missed the display ad in our September newsletter regarding an exciting Third Party Fundraising Event.

This weekend (Saturday, October 28), “Cleveland’s Country Cares” will take place at The Doubletree Hotel in Independence. From noon until midnight, seven of Cleveland’s top Country Bands will be performing. There will be music, food, raffles, auctions, etc. for the entire time. The participating bands are highly recognized, and they have joined together to help raise awareness and financial support for our chapter. Band members are donating their time, band merchandise, etc. – as well as all the planning and facilitation – for this event. WGAR has been giving the event a great deal of promotion, and a large crowd is expected. (A great fan of these bands, “Bucky” Shacklett, has offered to serve as our chapter’s staff representative.) The cost of admission will be $15.

4:48 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


We do NOT use the F word!

4:49 PM  
Blogger jdh said...

In regards to the "F" word - If "you and your words are welcome", and if "F*^K" is a word, then why is it not welcome? It's a commonly used word that is now a part of your "new" dictionary. You can't preach "freedom of speech" and "no censorship", then say we can't say FUCK!

Sorry web, but I gotta go with my guy on this one.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

JDH...likes to ruffle my feathers!!
It is my belief that we are all intelligent enough to articulate our thoughts without blatant profanity. I am NOT a prude...and swear like a sailor, it's just NOT for the blog.

So...Ernie calls to say he just copied and pasted a great joke, he did NOT give the F word a second thought and regrets the error.

My issue with the written word; FU^^ brings undesirable attention to the blog in the form of spam, auto posters and porn ads etc. If you must use the the F word, please make an attempt to disguise it.

8:04 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Wednesday Night Country

Curtis Brothers...ACE's
Lawless...Blue Moose

The Savannah...Bottom Line

8:07 PM  
Blogger jdh said...

Here we go with Jen again!

Believe me honey, I don't need extra attention. I was simply having some fun with a friend, no more, no less. Try it some time.

By the is it that you don't post except when it comes to me? Do you have a crush?

See there. I'm just having some fun, but of course you'll take it personally and post something negative about me, because for some reason, I rile your feathers. Being the attention hog that I am though, I won't mind. So give me more attention now.....please!!!!

8:44 AM  
Blogger simon said...

fuciod fuciod fuciod fuciod fuciod fuciod fuciod fuciod fuciod fuciod

Its a fossil rock.

9:59 AM  
Blogger simon said...

Hardy gets plenty of attention. I WANT attention!

9:59 AM  
Blogger jdh said...

Frankly - You attention Whore!

Ooops, can I use the word whore? Will that not bring attention from porn sights?

10:54 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 26, 2006


Lawless (Champion)
The Hardway

Kellie Pickler (Challenger)
Red High Heels

The Bull NEVER responded to my email regarding a on-air live interview for Lawless.
Did it happen?

6:51 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

OOPs...I missed an entire day.
It's October 27th.

Surely, your Thursday had to better than mine.

First, the blower on the furnace stopped working Wednesday night. Furnace repairs make any homeowner cringe. A real budget buster!

The challenge yesterday morning was finding a heating technician to work around my schedule. That in itself cost an extra $75.00 and a second "travel" charge.

With the details negotiated, I managed to make my appointments, and be back home before the furnace guy/heating tech returned.

I get home...and the garage door opener will NOT work. Hmmm...the battery in the thing a ma jig must be dead. That meant going through the front door; security enhanced key-less entry.

YES, it was just like that commercial, when the husband asks "honey, what is the code, and the alarms go off.

Amid the screech of the security system, I realized the electric is off.

My priority was to call the utility department to express my anxiety over having to pay the furnace guy/heating tech $75.00 an hour while the city figured out how they screwed up the house numbers.

In my animated plea with the city, minus the "F" word, I managed to muster up enough civility to listen to the litany of excuses/apologies.

UT OH...I neglected to notify the police that there was NOT an intruder.

Within minutes, I had the police, the electric crew, and the furnace guy, all in the driveway...yikes!

School buses were backed up the street, while everyone is jockeying in and out of the driveway.

I ran around the house re-setting the time on the stove, microwave, coffee pot, and clocks. Re-booted the computer, checked the crock-pot, adjusted the ice-maker, re-set the garage door opener.

OOOPS...forgot to re-set the time to wake us up. The good news is the floor was warm when our feet hit it, an hour an half late.

History was made today. The last time Mr. Webster was late for work was in 1987! students, first period this semester.'s Friday!

8:13 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Hey all!

Could someone let me know if the CCC event is "adults only" or if I can bring a teenager?

3:46 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Thanks! I just wanted to be sure before I showed up w/ her and she was the only kid there. I have other plans in the evening but I'm going to do my best to get out there during the day.

4:14 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Friday Night Country

Black River Band...Fat Boy's
Curtis Brothers...OFF
Kentucky Thunder...Slam Jam's
Lawless...Lagrange Tavern
Relentless...Red Dog Saloon
Roadhouse...Lake Erie HD Party
Roger/Whiskeyhounds...Happy Dog
Silver Spur...OFF
77 South...Private Event

5:09 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 28, 2006

Best Wishes for a FAB event for the Alzheimer's Association.

Cleveland Country Cares!

12:32 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


SAT., OCTOBER 28TH @ 9:00 PM
SUN., OCTOBER 29TH @ 12:00 AM

6:44 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

The Girls...The Flying Burrito
Mr. Webster/Swamp...The Parkview
Relentless...The Red Dog Saloon
Shameless...Sandusky Pavillion
Vicious Cycle...Back Draught

6:52 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Blogger is having some techie problem, it began in the middle of the night, according to the HELP...I need help forum!

So...for now, I cannot change my profile pic, archive, or import tags to the template. Of course, that was my plan for this morning.

9:57 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

NBC is refusing to air an ad for the Dixie Chicks documentary, “Shut Up & Sing.”
“NBC’s commercial clearance department stated in writing that it ‘cannot accept these spots as they are disparaging to President Bush.’”

Harvey Weinstein, the documentary's distributor, released the following statement:

"It’s a sad commentary about the level of fear in our society that a movie about a group of courageous entertainers who were blacklisted for exercising their right of free speech is now itself being blacklisted by corporate America. The idea that anyone should be penalized for criticizing the president is profoundly un-American."

10:00 AM  
Blogger jdh said...

Jay - That was definitely a good time. Thanks for sharing the vocals on "Help Me Make It Through The Night". One of my favorite all-time songs. All the bands sounded really good. Lot's of money raised and I believe we finally made some good use of "Wipe Out" (about $250.00 to play it). This could get bigger every year guys.

3:50 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Sunday Night Country

Heartland @ Willoughby Brewing.

5:19 PM  
Blogger Foot said...

Hey Gang!
Yes, it truly was an incredible day! Everybody got along beautifully, all the bands sounded great, and I got to spend the day with friends I've been missing! We even had a surprise visit from my friend Gail Faught, so it REALLY was Cleveland country!

I'd lke to send out a special Thank You Very Good to the Websters and the Websterites who were there to assist with the birthing and a lot of the raising of this potentially delinquent child. WE DONE GOOD!

7:12 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


I really wish I could change the cat eyes!

Amen on the Cleveland Country Cares event! I post with confidence when I express the gratitude of the Greater Cleveland Alzheimer's Association for the charitable spirit of the Cleveland country scene. The generosity, and in-kind gifts of the Cleveland country community will benefit someone we know! Amen!

So...the cat eyes don't fit the message. There should be, the word "Amen" in the pic place.
A prayer answered.
A gift praised.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Again...NOT liking the cat eyes.

I haven't figured out what to put in the pic place after the "Amen".

I like the the red, white, blue, and star/bar V peace sign...that's always a good warning shot!

The Dixie Chicks are still "Not Ready to Make Nice"...and neither am I.

I posted a list of artists supported by Music Row Democrats on the "LEFT" thread.
Toby Keith is on the list!
Things that make me go hmmmm!
Toby Keith and the Dixie Chicks on the same list?

The media and blog coverage of the mid-term elections, and the freaking failing foreign policies is taking up most of my free time.

My thoughts, posts and prayers will be "LEFT".
I'll do my best to keep them on the right thread...I mean "LEFT" thread!

8:54 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Tried one last time...and it worked?

To the Cleveland country community and everyone that assisted in the success of the Cleveland Country Cares even to benefit the Alzheimer's Association.

Yea and Amen!

9:06 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Peace be with YOU!

9:08 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 30, 2006's Monday!

Congratulations to Lawless, another "Clashing Country" champion week. I am curious if they have heard from The Bull regarding an on-air interview.

Two brand new clashers today!
The best clash to date was the "L" clash. It was by far, the most competitive. To have a competition, where one side is NOT even remotely engaged in the process is BORING!

6:47 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Happy Monday! (yea, right) lol

Heard the benefit was a great time and a huge success. Pretty upset I ended up missing it but I will be there next year for sure. I have to do a little better in my scheduling of things and there will be NO conflict! However, I have made a donation to the Association on-line.

9:07 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

New Monday...New Clash

Ashley Gearing
Too Bad You're No Good
0.00 %

Ruff Creek
No Regrets
100.00 %

Hmmm, wonder which one doesn't know they are "clashing"?

6:39 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

As The Blog Turns...

Well, I guess now that we have the Cleveland Country Cares event out of the way...the nonsense is about to start up again.

Mystery Emailers
I could care less what you think of my "politics". I am a political junkie. My world view differs from what?
YOU are fairly warned about the content of the "LEFT" thread.
There is NOTHING UN-American about it. Don't like the Shut Up and Sing promo...don't click on it.
Better yet...stop logging on, if it so infuriating. Bet ya can't!

9:17 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

A MySpace email from Ashley Gearing; Guess her camp cares!

Oct 31 2006 12:21 AM
Subject: RE: Clashing Country
Body: Thank you! I did not even know it was there!
I will send out a bulletin!!

Ashley Gearing
Too Bad You're No Good
72.73 %

Ruff Creek
No Regrets
27.27 %

6:35 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Trick or Treat?

6:51 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said... who was at Willoughby Brewing on Sunday?

Heartland or Kentucky Thunder?

5:05 PM  
Blogger jdh said...

I wanted to say thanks to everyone that took part in "Clashing Country" over the past 4 weeks! Looks like we'll be doing an in studio next week some time.

Again, thank you!

7:08 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


Just curious...before Whiskey Bent imploded they were booked for Willoughby Brewing on the 29th. Molly said Heartland had the booking for 6 weeks, after the Whiskey Bent site turned aqua.
Then...I was browsing the Cleveland country band sites to see if anyone was at The Parma Tavern last night and read Kentucky Thunder had Willoughby on their schedule for the 29th.

7:49 AM  

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