
Monday, June 05, 2006

Groovy Cleveland Country...


Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Well, it's June 5th.
"Bloggers Night" is tonight.
Don Pablo's 6pm.

No name tags required. Shirts and shoes are required. Boots and hats are optional.

All bloggers, camps, aliases, country fans, readers, and critics are welcome.

6:43 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

TrustWatch, a critically acclaimed, industry-leading website verification service, has restricted access to the site for your protection. Accessing this site could put you at risk for predators, identity theft or other financial fraud.

6:59 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

GROOVY concert...Tickets still available.

Brooks & Dunn
Thursday July 20

Brooks & Dunn with Sugarland and Jack Ingram at Blossom Music Center July 20 7 p.m. $71.00, $54.50, $21.00 Tickets are on sale through or Ticketmaster locations. Charge by phone: 216/241-5555 or 330-945-9400.

Brooks & Dunn, still standing and still one of the most successful country duos of all time.
New album "Hillbilly Deluxe"!

7:11 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

I will not be able to make it. I have to be in Garfield by 6:30 and this shindig starts at 7:30 and will be at least an hour or more long. Full Catholic mass and all.. so ya'll have fun and someone.. lol or a few of ya have a drink for me..

8:37 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Good morning to you all. I had a weekend fueled with a little too much alcohol so I'm hoping by 6 PM, a margarita will sound a bit more appealing. Popped in to Ace's Friday night to hear Lawless. You guys were great and it was good to finally meet you, John.

8:53 AM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

Right Molly, a Margarita doesn't sound too good right now after Sat. night.
Nice to meet you John. The band was awesome. Glad you liked the pics.
See everyone tonight. I'm sure I'll be ready for a cocktail by then !!!!

9:07 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

I've been having a ton of trouble getting on here. If I send something, never sure it's going to make it on. This is a test.....

12:38 PM  
Blogger simon said...

This is about the 20th time I have tried to post.
The Web and JDH meeting was at her invitation. She didn't want an emotional display tonight.

Sat. night at Aces, there was a whole bunch of hugging of the Websters and a whole bunch of gossiping from a whole bunch people. She would just nod, "yes I am aware of that". She was passing out Lawless cards and blog pins.

1:59 PM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

Having a lot of trouble myself getting on the blog. Oh, just as well, I have a lot of work to do.

2:17 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are unable to process your request at this time. Our engineers have been notified of this problem and will work to resolve it.

The help...I need help forum is chocked full of panic stricken bloggers. Now that I have everything backed up, I don't panic with them.

frankley speaking
you had to be standing pretty close to see/hear.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Blogger Problem

This server is currently experiencing a problem. An engineer has been notified and will investigate.

Status code: 1-500-2

Please visit the Blogger status page or the Blogger Knowledge Base for further assistance.

2:53 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Don Pablo's
10310 Cascade Crossing/Tiedeman exit off 480
Brooklyn, OH 44144

3:17 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

All better...looks like the engineers have conquered the problem.

Yeaaaa...timj will be joining us.

I was really hoping we would hear from nobeerhere. She is the official hostess/committee chair.

3:34 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Web, have you heard from Nobeer? Hope she didn't forget the date.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

OK. Great minds think alike! LOL

3:37 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

LOL...the word gauche comes to mind. You can simply decline or not respond to your personal blogger's night invite.

Take me off your fu%^en list is not the proper way to respond to an invitation.

3:42 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Webster LOL

4:17 PM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

Well, 30 minutes and I'm outa here.

See everyone tonight!


4:19 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Good Morning

Very short on time and long on thoughts. Happens all the time. Blogger's night was a success. Great stories and insight shared...the rest is left up to perception/interpretation.

We had the pleasure of meeting JDH's significant other. Turns out I know her parents! Foot came prepared with stories of the ole days. Todd had baby pictures, and his fill-in bass player...forgot his name! Molly and tobeykeithfan learned more history. Timj introduced us to his wife. Mark arrived sporting short hair...he donated that! Char shared softball scores and Blue Moose tales. Mike confessed to being Rev. Joe. Mr. Webster calculated there was over 150 years of cumulative (paid) band experience at the table. 44 of those years belong to him. Several times, I introduced myself as Ross.

It was a perfect night on the patio. No Merlot...just tequila.
NOT for the blog was uttered more than once.

I bet I can come up with an A-Z!

7:43 AM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

Good Morning!
Had a blast last night. It was great seeing everyone.
Thanks for the blog pin Webster.
The Margaritas were yummie!!!
Let's do it again sometime!

8:08 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Sounds like a great time sorry I had to miss it.. I got home at 10:30 and was a bit whooped very long day and nite..
but glad ya'll had a good time.

btw.. happy 6/6/06 yikes!

8:19 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Thoughts and prayers w/ Casey Coleman and his family. His pancreatic cancer has spread and he's been told he has 6 months to live. God works in strange ways. Theres info on a walk on the following link:

8:58 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

6/6/06 - Ominous if you believe that means anything other than a date.....I don't.

It was really nice to meet everyone who ventured out last night. Perfect night for a patio party. We were all in good spirits and I felt good when I left - really thought I was going to be "shunned" to be honest with y'all. Ha! Can only imagine what was said after I left! LOL

Kassie is the spitting image of you, Todd!

The Mr. & Mrs. were NOT snobby and I enjoyed meeting you both.

John & Janelle (sp?), it was a pleasure.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to talk too much with those seated at the other end of the table, but it was great to see them. And I'm glad Mark didn't stay away!

Char, glad you stopped in. Sorry we didn't get to chat more.

9:16 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LOL JD thats a good one.. I hate hearing that when you call anywhere anymore ....UHH hello .Man ya know.. I get a flat tire today.. now mind you my company is probably 75% men.. do you think ONE of them woulda offered to put my spare on ?? NOPE.. so i gotta have the man drive from BFE literally to come put it on for me on his lunch break.. took him a whole 20 minutes .. mind you they'll want me to do something for them.. HA WRONG think again!!!

12:53 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

GROOVY...we are back up and running!

nobeerhere...she lives!
YOUR ears should have been ringing last night. WELCOME BACK! to the blog or new name? You have the distinction of being the first June blogger at Clevelandcountry.blogspot.

My email runneth over. Curious questions, theories and predictions. LOL...disappointment in my "bland" blogger's night post. I said I was short on time/long on thoughts.

Maybe I can elaborate later this evening or at the very least come up with an A-Z. In addition, I have fielded questions to my most valuable sources.

3:01 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Tuesday Night Country

Lawless...Parma Tavern

3:06 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


Female country singer needs band
posted: June 5, 2006, 10:33 PM

Attractive, 25 year old country singer, have all my teeth, a great voice and an amazing stage presence. I can sing anything, but earned my chops singing country. Haven't sung professionally in about 3 years and I'm going stir crazy. I have no gear, but would be willing to share the purchase if I find musicians good and dedicated enough. Not trying to get famous (although wouldn't it be nice) just want to make some money watching everybody else have fun. Would like to find drums, bass, guitar, maybe keys and maybe even a male singer to share the spotlight with.
Location: west

3:46 PM  
Blogger Mr. Webster said...

Billy Preston died today.He's the only musician to ever be credited on a Beatles record.I think that says it all. Check out the piano on "Get Back." Let it go round in circles,Billy.

Had a great time at Blogger's Night! We counted 160 years of performing experince at one table.Foot,Tim J,John,Al,Mark,Todd..It was an honor to remember Clrveland country with you.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Foot said...

Hey All-
I really enjoyed blogger's night visiting with y'all. Everybody on here made someone else happy...some by showing up, others by staying away, some by sending their love!
Riders on the Storm (dum-de-dum-de-dum-dum)!!!!!!

8:23 PM  
Blogger Foot said...

More A to Z coming tomorrow.


8:23 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

I've been busy working on another project. Too tired to blog.

I am working on

"My name is Ross"

10:23 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hello all.

Very nice seeing some old friends last night and meeting some new ones. I'll make my way to the other end of the table next time!

Is this a weekly event? Sorry... Just been out o' the loop.

I return w/ a shameless plug.

Check it out:


Hope you guys like it!

We worked SUPER hard on it.

11:32 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

As an Associate Member of the Academy of Country Music, I received this GROOVY offer...

If you would like to purchase a copy of the 41st Academy of Country Music Awards souvenir program, please send an email to to reserve your copy. Quantities are limited, and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis, so don't hesitate. The price is $20 which includes shipping and handling.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Scene Magazine/Cleveland Music Awards class of '06 nominees in the Best Roots/Country: Hillbilly Idol, Lawless, Lords of the Highway, Rambler 454, Roger Hoover & the Whiskeyhounds.

Voting (one on-line ballot per IP) closes June 13 at 5pm and will determine the winners in 18 categories. The awards will be given out Friday, July 14 at House of Blues.

8:21 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


Apparently, my "blogger's night" post is NOT Laredo worthy. The post has been "removed" from their website/guestbook. That's unfortunate...just something else for me to gripe about and question?
Does this mean Laredo wants NOTHING to do with the blog?

9:07 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Shooter opened for Toby Keith last year. Different but in a good way. I didn't hear of anything interesting going on yesterday....but then again, I was at the movies w/ my daughter. Glad to hear people are getting out and listening to music on a Tuesday of all days!

9:58 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:42 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Oh's no fun anymore since we know who it is!

11:05 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

remote light

It's a COMCASTIC day out here in the heartland.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Internet cafe...yeaaaaaa!

Who would think there would be an internet cafe in Clyde...home of the Clyde Flyers.

"My Name is Ross" is STILL in the development stage. Fact finding takes time. I could use some help; I would like another confiirmation of the use of the screen name "countryfanfromhell".

12:54 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Just SAY it!

12:55 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Just say what?

Did anyone read the posts before they were deleted?

12:57 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

No, I didn't get a chance to read them. I'm thinking they were probably gone pretty quickly. But if someone has something to say, they should just say it. Speculation and talking in code is childish.

1:02 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Now you're talking in code, JDH! lol But County Line's a pretty good bunch of guys...not sure where the cafe is though.

1:16 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

It's not a code. We are not speculating or being childish. We are being witty.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Web, I was originally replying to John's post at 12:44 wondering if someone had something to say but not sure how to say it. Witty is good.

1:30 PM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

If anyone can stir things up it's you. LOL

You did promise you know.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Doing a great job, John. lol

Just got my Toby Keith tickets ordered. 10th row.

2:08 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Char, the truth once in a while is a refreshing change.

2:13 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

MAN O MAN I thought I was the only one have yet another bad day.. with the whole tire incident last nite.. i was up most of the nite w/ a achy throbbing tooth so off to the dentists I went at 10am to have a root canal and a stroke over the cost for my next 3 visits as well.. lucky me.. one good thing I got me some VICODINE LOL woohoo

2:20 PM  
Blogger simon said...

truth is refreshing
Is it true you are the president of the heartlabd fan club?

3:43 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

hey...are we live?

7:24 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Toby Keith with Joe Nichols
tickets go on sale:
Saturday, June 10 @ 10:00am

Friday, August 11
Blossom 7:30pm
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
price: $33.75 - $64.75
VIP packages available

7:31 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

CMA Music Festival Cruises Into Downtown Nashville
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The CMA Music Festival kick-off parade cruised through downtown Nashville. Following the parade, a block party began at the plaza in front of the Gaylord Entertainment Center for performances from Cowboy Troy, Little Big Town, Emerson Drive, the Grascals, LoCash Cowboys, Pinmonkey and the PovertyNeck Hillbillies.

The Riverfront Stage begins delivering nonstop music throughout the day beginning Thursday with a 10 a.m. show featuring the Charlie Daniels Band, Blaine Larsen, Shannon Brown, Eric Church and Jace Everett. Four concerts will take place daily on the Riverfront Stage with performances by Tracy Byrd, the Bellamy Brothers, Mark Wills, Trick Pony, Jeff Bates, Neal McCoy, Darryl Worley and many other established acts and an impressive list of newcomers, including Ashley Monroe, Jamey Johnson, the Lost Trailers, Megan Mullins, Ray Scott and Nashville Star winner Chris Young.

The evening concerts at LP Field begin Thursday with Gary Allan, Brooks & Dunn, Sara Evans, Pat Green, Little Big Town, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Blake Shelton and Hank Williams Jr. Friday's offering features Trace Adkins, Jason Aldean, Terri Clark, Billy Currington, Montgomery Gentry, Wynonna and Trisha Yearwood. The Saturday show gets its star power from Billy Ray Cyrus, Miranda Lambert, Martina McBride, Craig Morgan, Brad Paisley, Josh Turner and Carrie Underwood. Sunday's closer features Keith Anderson, Clint Black, Joe Nichols, LeAnn Rimes, SHeDAISY, Sugarland and a special performance by Los Lonely Boys with Ronnie Milsap.

7:42 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

NEW Hometown Heroes

7:52 PM  
Blogger Roadboss said...

WGAR Country Jam, in case it is "news", Chris Cagle, Keith Anderson, Trace Adkins, Trick Pony, Sept.9th at the Fairgrounds. Not the greatest venue for the amount of people that show up.

10:17 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

It is news! Thanks!
You are a blast from the past.
Welcome back.

10:27 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hey Jonathan...

Did you go to the country music festival the year they had it at the IX Center? What a nightmare. The fairgrounds are a veritable paradise in comparison.

By the way... Is that the entire lineup? It's not the venue I'm concerned about... The lineup leaves a lot to be desired though!

(Sorry, Monica)

At least there will be some good local bands there!

10:30 PM  
Blogger Roadboss said...

Question is, who will headline? Cagle or Adkins? Trace is the bigger name right now. Got the list from for those who want good tour listings. I worked the IX festival, that was just a HOT, unforgiving place for the show.

10:35 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Slam Jams Country Nights
North Olmsted
Friday Nights are Slam Jam's North Olmsted Country Nights! Live music from local bands. Plus, come ride the mechanical bull! Slam Jams is located 24108 Lorain Road between Clague and Columbia Roads.

June 9- 77 South
June 16- North of Texas
June 23- Kentucky Thunder
June 30- Curtis Brothers
July 7- Lawless
July 14- Heartland

10:35 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Who cares who headlines? With that lineup, they should have the Country Jam at the Blue Moose!!!

10:45 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

The Dixie Chicks remain #1 on the Billboard 200 chart. They have extended their stay at the top of the album charts to two weeks after selling another 271,000 copies this week.

10:49 PM  
Blogger Roadboss said...

YEEHAW mark........even the parking lot of the Moose is better than the fairgrounds. They had it at Blossom one year, why they didn't continue is beyond me. And it is a weak lineup, regardless of the local talent that gets to play it.

10:52 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

What national country artist would you book for the WGAR Country Jam?

10:54 PM  
Blogger Mark said...



It'd be nice to see WGAR grow a set and get the Dixie Chicks.

I love that their album is #1 for 2 weeks straight with no radio support from the EVIL Clear Channel.

I probably sound like my dad talking about rock n' roll when I talk about the state of country lately... "They all sound the same. I can't tell 'em apart."

I don't know... I'm probably the worst person to ask who to book for the Jam... I think they should get Mark

12:00 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


WGAR survyed their "loyal listeners" about the Diixe Chicks.

Do you think country radio stations, including WGAR should play the Dixie Chicks Music?

Yes 54%
No 28%
I don't know 18%

If we are talking about just The Dixie Chicks Music and not anything they've said or done...Do you like to hear it on the radio?

Yes 69%
No 31%

6:55 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hey Web..

Well at least there's hope for the human race. They're not ALL sheep.

Hey Ernie.

Thanks for the compliment.

A place in Ashtabula called Media Magic Productions did the principle and Connor did the production and editing. We filmed it at Madison High.

The crew was great and the staff and kids at Mad-High were awesome.

7:37 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


Yesterday was a trying day for bloggers here, there and everywhere.
The "blogger" forum, "help...I need help" was a circus.
The forum, also a blog, was down most of yesterday.
An overwhelming majority of the posts were complaints against Google. The bitching/moaning was directed at the IT staff.
My theory...
Google has no control over the news cycle. Yesterday, was an extraordinary news day. The million blogs hosted by Google, and the billion plus desire to access the system yesterday caused it to collapse.
I am confident the Goggle IT staff responded as quickly as humanly possible. Not for me, or the bitchers/moaners...for the real news.
Clevelandcountry.blogspot is but a blip and meaningless in the blogosphere, as are a majority of the complainers blogs.

Stay with me here.
There is a nine hour difference between us and Baghdad. woke up to the news of Zarqawi's, blog blog. The Italian government announced it will be pulling out of Iraq at the end of the year, following another IED attack on an Italian, blog, blog.

On the domestic scene, tax dollars being wasted for a constitutional amendment to ban gay, blog blog. Perhaps Mary Cheney whispered in her father's ear.
Wall street has just figured out that fuel prices are adversely affecting the, blog, blog.
The CBS correspondent, Kimberly Dozier returned state side, blog, blog.

You missed Lawless being named the new Hometown Heroes, and their gig at Shooters.

8:38 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Don't forget the return of Mark to the Cleveland Country blog!

That must account for some of the traffic problems on the Web!


9:11 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Yep, that was it, Mark.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

PP, never denied anything. What's it to you though? You do not affect my life or what I do. Do I affect yours?

10:07 AM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

Gosh, try to get a little work done and you miss everything !!
So cool. Slam Jams is right around the corner from me!!! Almost. Like to stay close to home.
Are you being accused of being in denial again? I've never known you to deny anything. Pretty up front gal if you ask me.
Oops, nobody asked. My bad.
BTW Pastposter:
I used to be president of the Heartland fan club. Chew on that for a while.

10:51 AM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

It's really nobody's business what the circumstances were. I'm still a fan.
Are there rules now to posting? Do we have to reveal everything?
Molly and I are country music fans. We enjoy all the bands. I'm just jealous of her because she has tickets to Toby Keith and I can't afford them ! LOL
BTW Saturday is my birthday. If anyone can get Toby to call me I would sure appreciate it.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

I'll try and work on that TK Fan!

Also, no one on here reveals everything there is to reveal so I don't think there is that kind of rule in place.

PP, I respect that you follow certain bands and I would hope that you respect that I go to see certain bands too. Most of them! LOL The fact that I'm the Prez of one doesn't mean I can't go out and see everyone else. I would like to think that when I was at bloggers night, I made that perfectly clear. I just feel that you, as well as others, judge me solely on one issue. And that's really not fair. But, as we all know what John likes to say - Life isn't fair! lol No one likes to be judged by the friends they keep.

PP, the way I heard it - Todd's birthday was yesterday so they switched w/ Curtis Bros. who will be at Ace's next Wed. If I'm incorect, I'm sure someone will be glad to bring that to my attention!

Hope you had a great birthday, Todd!!

11:15 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

TimJ, must have been a wild night last night!

11:16 AM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

I think your odd.

Maybe you should share that cough syrup. Cough, Cough...think I need it.

11:19 AM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

OH Geeze !! I forgot ! Happy Birthday to Todd.

11:21 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

PP, I got it! Was just trying to make a point. I'm done now.

11:31 AM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...



11:35 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Hello?? Every time I try and post, I get an error page. Let's see if this goes through....

3:27 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

someones trying to stir the pot again appears..

3:53 PM  
Blogger Foot said...

If everyone is so concerned about who is who...where were you for blogger's night out? Were you afraid to show who YOU are?
We all had a ball!

7:26 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Actually, Monica, I think I'm complimenting your hubby... With that lineup at the WGAR Country Jam, he quite possibly could be headlining!

7:43 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

TGIF…yippy skippy!

Good Morning
It’s the last day of school at our house. OMG…he can be soooo obnoxious, and I am NOT talking about JDH. Mr. Webster has proudly proclaimed every morning @4:45 AM the day of the week, and that it is his last M, T, W, TH, before “summer vacation”.
Tonight, he will be out of control.

Last night was Jam night at Savannah’s. Thanks to Rick from North of Texas for stopping out. NOT debuts tomorrow night at Jack and Diane’s. Scott from Kentucky Thunder will be on bass.

Happy Birthday. We are hopeful you received you ecard greetings as well as well wishes on the birth of your daughter.

I am NOT, nor have I been “stealing” your email addresses. There is no need. I maintain a database with thousands of addresses. If YOU are in it, it is a result of something sent to me with your address on it.
If you receive something you don’t want…just politely decline. It’s NOT like I am clogging up your email with my well wishes. In the past year, I have forwarded ONE Breast Cancer fundraiser to the girls.
I have NOT sent “Come blog with me!” notices since last August. I confess…I sent out Christmas cards, Chanukah cards, New Year’s cards, Easter cards, Passover cards, Mother’s Day cards, Memorial Day cards, and the invitation to “Blogger’s Night”.

If you would prefer that I NOT post on your site, block my address or moderate your guestbook. I have NEVER deleted you…regardless of the information you wanted to share.

Many of us have been doing the IM thing while the blog has been down. I adhere to “not for the blog”, and expect the same from you. Disclaimer; you must note “not for the blog”. I am perfectly OK with “no comment” and understand “gotta go”. LOL

Thanks…your email always lifts my spirits.

8:01 AM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

Morning, Morning, Morning

Got up late. Didn't get coffee. Grumpy!



8:30 AM  
Blogger simon said...

on the blog on the first try.

Bet this has her pee-fully mad.

You guys sounded really good lastnight,haven't seen you guys in awhile.I really liked your lets get drunk and be somebody.Nice job.I would leave my e- mail but Im afraid webster might steal it and start sending me e-mails,I apologize for not leaving my e- mail.Todd,Happy Birthday and many more and CONGRATULATIONS on the baby.

9:58 AM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

Thanks JDH and Charlene for the birthday wishes. Guaranteed to be a great one. Got my first present last night. How cool is that?

I can smell your coffee brewing. e-mail me a cup !!!

10:56 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Friday Night Country*

Conestoga...The Wild West saloon
Curtis Brothers...OFF
Heartland...Fat Boy's
Kentucky Thunder...Bull Frogs
Lawless...Dusty Armadillo
Laredo...Bedford Festival
Mr. Webster...Willoughby Brewing
NOT...Coming Soon!
Relentless...The Outpost
Vicious Cycle...OFF
Whiskey Bent...ACE's

*subject to change without notice

11:05 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


Mr. Vaction Man is home singing and demonstrating the vacation dance steps to his rhythmless wife.

I have Rotary and one appointment...then perhaps we can practice.

I have great stories about trying to learn to dance.

11:30 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

posted: June 9, 2006, 05:48 AM

3 more bands needed for Music Festival in July and August. Good Exposure and some decent pay.

None of us will get rich doing it, but will all be seen and heard by a few thousand people in total, which is always a good thing.

If interested please let us know ASAP. Because, we would like to make this thing happen for real, and we need more excellent bands on the roster to make it so. There will be 10 playing in all.

11:40 AM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

The vacation dance is one of the best. Unfortunately I haven't done mine yet this year.

But I'm doing the Birthday Dance.
They really do think I'm nuts here at work. Boss says she's calling the paddy wagon soon.

12:07 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Oh sure! The blog is up and running fine today it seems and my DSL was down all morning. Figures. I agree 100% with you, Foot. If people were that curious as to who was who, they would have been at Bloggers Night. In case my DSL has an issue again, hope you all have a great weekend! Have fun whatever you do....happy birthday TKFan!!

12:33 PM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

Thanks Molly,
I'm singing. I'm dancing. I'm dancing. I'm singing..

Oh Cripes! I hear sirens. Gotta go hide.

1:02 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Not sure TKFan knows the meaning of "don't indulge too much"! LOL

1:03 PM  
Blogger Mr. Webster said...

Summer vacation is here! I'll try not to gloat too much.

John--Would that have been The Tic or a Wonder Twin in your former life?

John"Earthquake"Tenta has passed away. Check my news page for details.

Swamp Boogie Band at the Willoughby Brewing Company tonight. Come on out--You'll be better off with the blues.

1:12 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

It is NOT a secret that I visit all the websites.

"also curious"
Ross cannot help you with the email problem. Ross does not possess good problem solving skills. It is doubtful that I have "stolen" your email address three times.
A. you have emailed me
B. an email sent to me had your address on it
C. You are a baiter

2:09 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

From the laredo guestbook:

Also curious
I also am curious.Ive changed my email 3 times in less then a year and I still seem to get emails from websters.I understand that she hasnt been the same since her husband got fired,but it doesnt give her any right to go into peoples web sites and take emails from people she doesnt even know and send them emails.I am also sorry for using your website to vent.You guys have and always will be a class act regardless what other people say.Whoever curious is,the individual is 100% correct

2:12 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

I confess…I sent out Christmas cards, Chanukah cards, New Year’s cards, Easter cards, Passover cards, Mother’s Day cards, Memorial Day cards, and the invitation to “Blogger’s Night”.

This is what you are moaning to Ross about!!!'s doubful you received a Chanukah or Passover card. You are that annoyed over 6 emails in a year!

2:19 PM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

Thanks to you TIMJ.

Too late. I already have my heart set on indulging. Lots of drinking. Lots of kissing. Lots of hugging. I will not be available on Sunday. I will be temporarily incapacitated. Hopefully it will be worth it.
You still got that KISS ME, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY PIN?
Can I borrow it?

2:54 PM  
Blogger Foot said...

I hear rumblings.
The storm is gathering steam.
Someone is going to get rained on..SOON!

More weather reports after my "explorations" tonight!

All Drink- But will you respect me in the morning?

2:56 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

"also curious"

I need to amend: an Internet transmission sent to any Websterscountry domain address/site.

If you would like to have an intelligent conversation about High volume annoying emails...I am your girl!

If you get bored with that topic, we could review public domain, Internet publishing protocol, and cookies...I like white chunk chocolate with macadamia nuts, Mr. Webster loves oatmeal with raisin.

If you want to discuss whose not the same since my husband was fired that would have to be discussed over a meal.

Your looking for the answers in the wrong place. Laredo cannot help you resolve your issues.
The forum is here or at the dinner table.
My personal experience has been that Ross is not consistent in his message.

3:01 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Friday Night Country*

Conestoga...The Wild West saloon
Curtis Brothers...OFF
Heartland...Fat Boy's
Kentucky Thunder...Bull Frogs
Lawless...Dusty Armadillo
Laredo...Bedford Festival
Mr. Webster...Willoughby Brewing
NOT...Coming Soon!
Relentless...The Outpost
Vicious Cycle...OFF
Whiskey Bent...ACE's

*subject to change without notice

PS...I hope it rains!

3:07 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LOL@I hope it rains! Hope ya'll have a good weekend. I'll be at home resting tonite as I had some sort of reaction to the meds Im taking for the tooth and am leary of driving anywhere in the event that another episode should arise while driving.. be safe and have fun whatever you do.

3:34 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

"also curious"

I forgot about the FWD< FWD< FWD> mail/jpg's/photos. I didn't send them. I received them. They stopped with me...except for the breast cancer research fundraiser.

Also if you have three email may have received 18 well wishes and three invitations in a year...max.

3:36 PM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

I heard it was just going to be a summer shower. The high pressure will break and everyone will feel much better when it is over.

3:56 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

People LOVE to talk about storms. Not sure they'll "feel better" but it's a cheap high for some.

4:03 PM  
Blogger simon said...

I do not want to talk about the weather.

I want to contribute to My name is Ross.

My name is Ross. I boast about my skills and my importance to the country music scene. I have the documents to prove it. I have trouble telling the truth.
I am “curious” and a country fan from hell. I know I said alias names are bogus and for yellow bellied cowards. I don’t like webster anymore. She does not have a sense of humor, is too political and emotional. I am in charge of the website. I have trouble with accurate information, grammar and spelling. I deleted an invitation from webster from the guestbook. I much prefer the informative and engaging posts from Darla. I cannot sneak onto the blog anymore, she always catches me. I have other people do it for me. I have advised people not to leave their email addresses because webster steals them. It probably isn’t very smart of me to pee her off anymore, but I cannot help myself. My name is Ross.

4:10 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Pretty funny stuff, Frankley!

4:27 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

You can bet if I am logging on at this hour...something is keeping me from sleep.

I suppose it has something to do with a recent post from the Laredo site.

"Curious George"
Just for informational purposes.Ross has been attacked on that other website.They even included Darla.It really shows you what kind of person she really is.Do you really want to be associated with someone like that?I would like everbody to keep in mind that she is the ADMINISTRATOR of that website. With that all said and done,wasnt it a beautiful evening?If you wish,you can delete this or just tell me not to post anymore,I will understand.

God...I am prayerful this is not a "Mississippi Al" post. All though, it would not surprise me. This would be the same guy that said he is "waiting for David Daggs to die" to play bass with Laredo.
Please keep it up!
It drives both our numbers up.

don't bother to try to make just ain't gonna happen.
If I am responsible for other individuals are you!

Your camp stated this. We both know who will win!

For those of you NOT paying attention..."Not Ready to Make Nice".

3:58 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

"Curious George"

You may be "curious", in my opinion, clearly a misguided George. The primary focus of my post at this ridiculous hour is to communicate, YOU have gone to Ross for validation.
NOT a good idea!
Maybe you haven't been paying attention...Ross has credibility issues.

My weaknesses are well documented and communicated on this site. It would be human nature and predictable to list my character references for you. Instead, I am going to agree with you...YOU have no clue what kind of person I "really" am.

4:39 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

No cheerios...just java.

There is very little to add this morning. Sleep has NOT made the situation any better.
The email is adding fuel to the camp fires. Safety tip: do not use an combustible accelerant on a smoldering fire.


Keep them brief and to the point.
Please refrain from suggesting;
"get over it", "move on" or "can't we all get along".

Direct your "I love Laredo" messages to someone that would appreciate it.

For review only: if you send me an email, and I am left to my own interpretive skills, you could be in grave danger of receiving a Father's day card.

I agree...Darla is a very sweet.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


Good Lord...You are just plain wrong. I have NOT slammed you or your band.
We were talking about the "storm", weather predictions...not about Laredo.

Ramblings in the middle of the night was an error on my part.
My point was, it's not about you or your band. It's about Ross.
I was suggesting you NOT post a peace offering.
I miscalculated what you would post. My bad.

You do care...or you wouldn't be here. I am flattered you came to the correct forum. I win!
Try to refrain from telling folks that you don't have time to log makes you look silly.

FYI: It's not about the number of posts, it's about the number of readers and unique visitors. Controversy drives the numbers UP.

Ironically, Laredo thought it was hysterical when it was JDH/Lawless.
Countryfanfromhell loved to mix it up with Molly/Heartland.

Keep your focus on nobler causes, and we both can sleep better.

12:28 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Toby Keith with Joe Nichols
tickets go on sale:
Saturday, June 10 @ 10:00am

Friday, August 11
Blossom 7:30pm
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
price: $33.75 - $64.75
VIP packages available

1:28 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

frankley not a good idea!

1:28 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Scene Magazine/Cleveland Music Awards class of '06 nominees in the Best Roots/Country: Hillbilly Idol, Lawless, Lords of the Highway, Rambler 454, Roger Hoover & the Whiskeyhounds.

Voting (one on-line ballot per IP) closes June 13 at 5pm and will determine the winners in 18 categories. The awards will be given out Friday, July 14 at House of Blues

1:31 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


Happy Birthday!

2:59 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Saturday Night Country*

For your dining, dancing, dating and drinking pleasure:

Conestoga...The Wild West saloon
Curtis Brothers...OFF
Heartland...Fat Boy's
Kentucky Thunder...OFF
Lawless...Dusty Armadillo
Mr. Webster...Savannah's
NOT...Jack & Diane's
Relentless...Waco Fireman's Fest
Vicious Cycle...Back Draught
Whiskey Bent...ACE's

* subject to change without notice

3:06 PM  
Blogger Mr. Webster said...

North of Texas--Good luck tonight,guys! Do us proud. Sorry I can't be with you.

John--Form of water! Shape of an elephant!
Where's that damn monkey?

Ruby--You're right. The Flats has never been a place for country. Just drunks with too much money!

Is anyone shocked that there's a storm brewing over the Heartland? Welcome to the FM Club,boys! Another new--old band!

Webster--Love the new shoes! Maybe we can get Betsy a pair.

Swamp Boogie over to Savannas tonight. You won't believe that place on a Sat. night! You'll be better off with the blues.

5:49 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Rascal Flatts featuring Gary Allan at Quicken Loans Arena
TONIGHT Sunday June 11th 7:30pm

Tickets are still avaialble; $51.75 and $44.50.

10:30 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Billboard Country Album Charts

The Dixie Chicks are No. 1, Rascal Flatts' Me and My Gang and Carrie Underwood's Some Hearts are in second and third place, respectively, for another week. Tim McGraw's Greatest Hits Vol. 2 rises two notches to No. 4, Toby Keith's White Trash With Money holds at No. 5 and the Wreckers' Stand Still, Look Pretty moves from No. 4 to No. 6 in its second week of release. On the upswing are Alan Jackson's Precious Memories (No. 7) and The Legend of Johnny Cash (No. 8). Keith Urban's Be Here falls slightly to No. 8, and Rascal Flatts' Feels Like Today climbs one rung to close out the Top 10.

11:11 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Cleveland Country Blog Charts
*Week ending 6/10/06

Page Loads...7,256
Unique Visitors...3,811
First Time Visitors...711
Returning Visitors...3,100

Daily Average
Page Loads...2,419
Unique Visitors...1,270
First Time Visitors ...237
Returning Visitors...1,033

* Color charts, graphs, and spreadsheets available for skeptics

11:31 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

From Dixie Chick website

To our Fans:
Any reports being made about the cancellation of our upcoming Accidents And Accusations tour are completely false.
We have known since March 2003 that our path in this business would have obstacles at every pass. We have enjoyed meeting each one head-on and we will continue to do so. Dixie Chicks fans are as active and dedicated as they come. This time around we are willingly feeling our way through unchartered territory. Things don't come as easy as they might have come in the past, and it makes each accomplishment more exciting and appreciated.
We will go where the fans are with great anticipation and no regrets. To find out (along with us) where that is, visit for all updates to Accidents And Accusations tour information.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Sunday Night Country

Willoughby Brewing...Laredo
Slim & Chubbies...????

6:20 PM  
Blogger Mr. Webster said...

John--You're dead on about the look being a major part of the total package. Cute counts.You should'nt look like any other shmuck in the crowd. Be different!Look like you're special.

6:49 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Yeah... Like me! I look like I'm special!!! But unfortunately, Corky looked like he was special too...

8:22 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Weather update: I do believe the "storm" has passed us by. As of this date anyway.

"All Drink" - ALL DRINK! lol Good to see you this weekend. Are they still wearing flip-flops in the Amazon?

9:22 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

NOT sure who North of Texas is yet.
It is NOT either of the Webster's. North of Texas has been a little trepidatous about entering the Cleveland Country Blogspot arena. It can be so unpredictable.
Mr. Webster will be home all summer to be a voice of reason, and grammar.
As far as we can tell they are a welcome edition to the Cleveland country scene. Club owners and bookers have been responsive. Established Cleveland country bands have lent a helping hand to NOT. Kudos to Kentucky Thunder! Gigs are lining up and leads are coming in.
BTW-The "set list" is line dance friendly.

10:29 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Did it just rain? I hope you had the umbrella I offered. There are conflicting reports on the weather.

Molly is a faithful blogger. She's been here as long as I have. I remember when it was just her and I. It's been a rocky road , hasn't it? I am hopeful the loyalty is respected and appreciated. It is here!

10:41 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

**Addendum to blog chart:
The raw data is from midnight 6/1/06 through 6/10/06 @ 11:59PM. (10 days)

I have been using the term “unique visitor” incorrectly. A “unique visitor” is a visitor that logs on after 30 minutes has elapsed.
Our cookies “oatmeal raisin and macadamia nut” are blocked from the project.

The “10 day data” is notably skewed as a result of the blog being down 3 days out of 10.

Multiple individuals logged umpteen attempts to access the blog, jacking the page load numbers by just under 22%.
The prior 10 day "raw data" was 5378 page loads.
Blog babysitters are also skewing the numbers. These are the people that just watch the blog all day long. Page load every 5 minutes for hours at a time without posting. Today/Sunday, there are three blog babysitters.

Cleveland country blogspot is an interactive community, with frequent posters. Our valued participants count...their numbers matter. I love the readers and repeaters as well.
New visitors are always welcome and encouraged to stay.

11:22 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Who was at the Rascall Flatts concert last nite? I was..What a great show.. Im betting Gary Allan had to been a lil ticked off when his mic went out at the end of his last song... But I have to say last nite was the best performance I've seen yet from Gary.. Gotta love that guy and what he's gone through in the past year or so.. Rascall Flatts was awesome with there trip on the floating platform to a smaller stage set in the back of the floor seats while performing an accoustic version of SKIN. Gave me goose bumps. There "HERE'S to you" always 'wows' me they confetti flying at the end of the song and this truley great song writing just for their fans. I have to say that some are doting Rascall as a "boy" band and I'll tell ya there were plenty of lil teeny boppers dancing/screamin/singing throughout the nite but all in all a great show . Im waiting for my next concert Toby 2nd row center.. and then ofcourse.. Kenny we have awesome seats for that show..

8:34 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

mispelled a few words lol ha sorry about that havent had my java yet this morning...

8:36 AM  
Blogger tobykeithfan said...

Well, I'm back in the land of the living....barely.

Got to see my grandson for a while. I love him more than anything in the world. He's my #1 guy.

I want to thank Foot for the Birthday drink on Friday. It was great to see you at Fat Boys.

Saturday night was AWESOME !!!
Molly picked me up and bought balloons. Got tons of presents. Jim and Mary bought me a cake.
Eddie made me feel special all night long. The whole band was so great to me I almost cried.

Molly claims I set a record drinking 7 bombpops. I couldn't dance worth a s@#%t. But I had a blast.

Won $20 on a scratch off I got in one of my cards.

Didn't get to sleep until 7:00am.
Got up at 11:00am. Back to bed at 3:00pm. Got up at 6:00pm. Didn't get a darn thing done all day but I didn't have a hangover. Those bombpops are great !!!

There was no storm. Just a summer shower as I predicted.

9:03 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Sounds like an awesome concert.
WE got Dixie Chick tickets today...gave me goosebumps!
LOL about the spelling.
Mr. Webster is a history major and English minor. He grades spelling
for a living. He is very liberal with "extra credit".

Glad the weather was nice for your birthday. The front lasted longer than Tanchek expected. The cell is moving across the heartland.

9:39 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LOL I keep forgeting he's a teacher.. that mans got alot of spunk Ive always said that from day one.. Sometime soon we'll have to head out and see you guys.. soo much going on this summer its insane with bdays/graduations/weddings/concerts soo little time..

9:52 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

I cannot finish "My Name is Ross" It has become too redundant.
NOT's "NOT for the blog".
Good Lord... I was repeating myself way tooooo often.
Please stop posting/sending contributions.

10:00 AM  
Blogger simon said...

I am keeping the monkey.

12:19 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

yes his first single.. Man to Man..

1:39 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Gary Allan's first single was "Her Man."

I heard Gary Allan actually played longer than Rascal Flatts... Is that true?

3:55 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Ok maybe not his first single but a one of his very first songs LOL?
Gary Allan did NOT play longer than Rascal Flatts.. they came on at 9 and were done about 10:30-10:45 .. there was maybe a 15 minute break between acts and WGAR didnt come out to announce any of the acts which I thought was strange.. but whatever lol.. Im gonna guess and say Gary did about 5-6 songs..

4:16 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

"Man to Man" was on Gary Allan's FOURTH album! LOL! Get your stuff straight, woman!


4:22 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LOL ohh chit.. oh well.. its monday cut me some slack...LOL :)

4:23 PM  
Blogger simon said...

curious george needs more than a spanking

4:33 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Sorry, Ang, but I just had to look it up... "Man to Man" was like Gary Allan's 11th or 12th!!!

4:36 PM  
Blogger simon said...

Todd needs a smack up side the head too.
Who is Miss Al?

4:42 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

FINALLY bad luck strikes a sports team other than a Cleveland team.

Bet you wish you had a helmet on, huh, Big Ben???

4:49 PM  
Blogger simon said...

you would think they would have "do not ride motorcycles" in theri 10 million dollar signing bonus. It's hard to feel bad for Pittsburg. Hope the kid is OK.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

They do have clauses in their contracts regarding injuries outside of football... I'm sure they'll do everything they can to NOT pay him.

I agree though... I wish him well. I don't feel bad for PissBurper at all, but I do feel bad for him.

I'm just glad it wasn't Cleveland this time.

4:57 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Handy House advise needed. Is $80.00 for gutter cleaning a fair price?

5:18 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

The Dixie Chicks will be performing in London as part of the promotional activities behind the international release of their new album, “Taking the Long Way.”
MSN will be broadcasting the 90-minute performance on June 15th, at 10 PM EST.

The sold-out concert is taking place at Shepherd’s Bush Empire, the "scene of the crime" where
Natalie Maines’ infamous quotes regarding President Bush leading up to the Iraq war in 2003. This is the group’s first ever
concert Webcast and is part of their partnership with MSN Video.

5:25 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Roethlisberger, Pittspuke QB, was in serious but stable condition Monday afternoon.
The 24-year-old QB likes to ride without a helmet, a habit that once prompted a lecture from Pittspuke coach Bill Cowher. Roethlisberger has said in the past that he prefers not to wear a helmet when riding his motorcycle.
In May 2005, Cowher warned him about safe riding after Cleveland tight end Kellen Winslow Jr. was injured in a motorcycle accident.

5:38 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Scene Magazine/Cleveland Music Awards class of '06 nominees in the Best Roots/Country: Hillbilly Idol, Lawless, Lords of the Highway, Rambler 454, Roger Hoover & the Whiskeyhounds.

Voting (one on-line ballot per IP) closes June 13 at 5pm and will determine the winners in 18 categories. The awards will be given out Friday, July 14 at House of Blues

7:17 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Slam Jams Country Nights
North Olmsted
Friday Nights are Slam Jam's North Olmsted Country Nights! Live music from local bands. Plus, come ride the mechanical bull! Slam Jams is located 24108 Lorain Road between Clague and Columbia Roads.

June 9- 77 South
June 16- North of Texas
June 23- Kentucky Thunder
June 30- Curtis Brothers
July 7- Lawless
July 14- Heartland

7:18 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Ok OK I knew ya'll would start the Ben postings. Listen as far as early reports can tell this accident was not his fault .. yes I agree he should have had a helmet on.. you can be the most cautious rider but its the other people you need to worry about. Do you think we would hear about this if it was an every day Joe? Nope think not. People on the news saying Ben let them down and the are pissed. HELLO lets thank god he didnt get killed, isnt that whats really important not some damn football team.? Man that gets my goat. He was allowed on his off season to ride yes he took that risk into his own hands but damn lets thank god that young man is alive.

8:44 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

lol btw Mark ya smart ass LOL

8:45 AM  

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