
Monday, March 24, 2008

STAY to the LEFT...


Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Gonna add another "LEFT" thread. The original is nearly to the bottom of the webpage.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

I agree with Mark Karlin...

"The surge is nothing more than a political/police action/bribery of faction leaders Band-Aid to lower the death count until the Bush Administration ends and a new president has to deal with the disaster".

11:08 AM  
Blogger me said...


12:54 PM  
Blogger Mr. Webster said...


Are you in that picture? I was in '68,'69,70',and'71. Our stand here is world wide.

2:12 PM  
Blogger me said...

Wow nearly 40 yrs ago, yeah your covered,spare me all the blame the current adminstration crap and how the world would be a better place if they just listened to you and evry other person who thinks talk gets anything done. BTW the number lost was over 4000 along time ago, the idiot media just think they know how to count.The media is run by the same people allowing this war to continue do you really think they are going to give us the truth? Want to make a difference? Vote for someone to get rid of ALL the dirty lobbiest and Democrat and Republican political whores running this country including Obama and Hillary. Get smart before we don't have a country to bitch about anymore.I may not be able to match your wits and book smarts but, I protest and march do you? Tim Jordan

7:36 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

My post from Easter Sunday 2007...that would be almost a year ago.

Every HOLY day in the states is marred by death and destruction in Iraq.
The U.S. military announced the weekend deaths of 10 American soldiers, including six killed on Easter Sunday.

Sen. Joseph Lieberman made the rounds on the Sunday morning talk shows to declare the Baghdad “surge” was effective.

Lieberman's profession of the absurd is based on, Al-Sadr’s (Shiite Cleric) statement to his followers to kill Americans, NOT each other.
"God has ordered you to be patient in front of your enemy, and unify your efforts against them-not against the sons of Iraq". Hmmmmmmm...can YOU take that statement, and find the GOOD news?

Sure, I would like to believe that the surge is making a difference...but it isn’t.

Baghdad might be slightly more secure...however, these people are NOT morons.

They have moved the death, destruction, execution, torture, and chlorine bombs to other areas.

At least 62 bodies, execution victims, who were tortured, were found Northeast of Baghdad last week alone.

A truck bomb exploded, south of Baghdad, killing at least 18 people and wounding 23.

At least 47 people were killed or found dead in violence Easter Sunday, including 17 execution victims dumped in the capital.

Five bodies burned beyond recognition, littered a courtyard and hospitals were treating chlorine exposure/burns.

Which brings me to TRIV...another idiot, proclaiming to the masses with unequivocal authority: "the streets of Cleveland are MORE dangerous than the streets of Iraq." Did the Cleveland Police find 17 dead bodies on Public Square, Easter Sunday?

9:43 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Protesting and marching...very good.
I'll look for the Ron Paul t-shirt at the next PEACE vigil I attend.

In the meantime...ya oughta play catch-up, as to what activities, I've directly been involved in, to change the world BEFORE ya assert all I do is TALK.

Go back to the first "LEFT" thread...ya know from 2006.
I've been documenting the disaster of our current foreign policy, complete with links.

The significance of the number it Americans. The actual coalition count is around 4308.
175 from the UK and 133 souls described as *other.

Four thousand, coalition dead was reached in August 07.

I am troubled to admit, we as Americans, have LOST our world view, and often ONLY count our own.
The reality is over 600 Iraqi civilians have been killed this month ALONE.

I can appreciate ANY support to the end of the war.
Those of us that have been there from 2003 are thankful the tide has turned.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

About Dr. Jeremiah Wright...

I found a statement that was released to the press sometime last week from the senior minister at the Foundry United Methodist Church in Washington D.C.
This would be the church, Bill and Hill attended while in the White House.

"The Reverend Jeremiah Wright is an outstanding church leader whom I have heard speak a number of times," Snyder wrote. "He has served for decades as a profound voice for justice and inclusion in our society. To evaluate his dynamic ministry on the basis of two or three sound bites does a grave injustice to Dr. Wright, the members of his congregation, and the African-American church which has been the spiritual refuge of a people that has suffered from discrimination, disadvantage, and violence. Dr. Wright, a member of an integrated denomination, has been an agent of racial reconciliation while proclaiming perceptions and truths uncomfortable for some white people to hear. Those of us who are white Americans would do well to listen carefully to Dr. Wright rather than to use a few of his quotes to polarize."

Hill must have missed the memo, and is MORE interested in stoking the fire, and shifting attention away from her own cable looping nightmare.

7:04 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

January IRAQ Coalition Casualty Count 40 Americans
Feburary IRAQ Coalition Casualty Count 29 Americans
March IRAQ Coalition Casualty Count 31 Americans and counting.

The links will take you to their names. There is a drop down box at the top of the page to look up any month of the war.

7:37 AM  
Blogger Ray said...

I thought I would come on and get some up to date happenings on the Country Music Scene here in Cleveland. Has all that stopped?

12:05 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

March 31, 2008

Hello to my "LEFTIE" friends and foes. Some would have ya believe, all I do, is fret bout what Lawless is up to...LOL!

It's the WAR...stupid.

If ya are STILL supporting the a project for ya.
Could ya PLEASE track down all the times that President Bush, Dick Cheney, Lindsey Graham and John McCain have said that the Iraqi military has made mighty awesome progress and list the accomplishments over the past 3-5 years.

Iraq’s new army is “developing steadily,” with “strong Iraqi leaders out front,” the chief U.S. trainer said...that would be Petraeus, over three years ago.

8:12 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

The new quarterly status report, from the Pentagon mysteriously omitted any prediction of when local units will take over security responsibility for Iraq.
Last year’s reports had forecast a transition in 2008.

King George reported in January 2007 that Iraqi forces would take charge in all 18 Iraqi provinces by November 07.'s almost April 2008.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

NOT sure where I am going with this thought. But here it is...

Today is the anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King.

Here's the deal, more than likely we will all hear the "I have a Dream" speech. Many will attend remembrances. All the media will pay some sort of tribute. The White House will issue some sort of formal statement.

His legacy will and should NEVER be forgotten. He gave folks HOPE. He was in the trenches for civil rights, and serving the poor.
His ministry was remarkable. His sermons inspiring.

OK...then why did our government label him a communist, a beast, and/or the biggest threat to American society?

Why were his phones tapped? Why was his every move under surveillance? Why are there hundreds of documents villifying MLK?

Every effort was made to discredit the man? Can ya imagine what would be seeing in a cable TV loop in modern times?

Again...not sure where I am going with this or why it bothers me so.

7:13 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


Over the weekend, I sent a note to American Country Radio Network, following their multiple MySpace bulletin blasts titled "Obama is a Racist".

Their bulletin did state that if you responded/complained to the author...ya would be deleted and blocked.

Here is the response...

You can call it all you want. If we are so bad at this we wouldn't have stations carrying us in there area. Including but not limited to South Carolina. Your name calling doesn’t sit well, so for that we have to delete and block you as a friend. In fact on the bulletins we explained that as well.. Because I give the truth and opinion, remember it’s my free speech. Oh, that must be only for liberals. Well guess what sista, I tell it like I see it as do you have the right to do the same. By the way you are the only complaint from over 6 thousand visitors to Myspace. Do you see something WRONG with your opinion. We don't we take complaints. Well, if you read it is Helen Waite who handles the complaints, so for your charge that we don’t take complaints is totally false…mmmmkay pumpkin that aspect I have no idea what your talking about. 3, we are not nor will we EVER be politically correct. THAT IS IGNORANCE OF THE OTHER PERSONS MIND, and their thoughts. We are not Don Imus, We are equal opportunity insulters.

Finally if you read our last letter to the readers, the evidence is CLEAR, in our opinion. Hillary, has NO experience, never owned a business, she is nothing in the senate and only voted in because half NY doesn't even speak English (opinion.


So sweet cheeks, your opinion and sarcasm are dually noted and quickly forgotten. But hey thanks for playing, and remember to help control the human population and have your spouse spade or neuter you.

Thanks for the company hot pants.

I would say call me, but according to my experience, those on the left have no intention of a debate, only yelling and screaming when you are challenged...yeh I know not fair right...WELCOME TO LIFE....

American Country Radio Network
www. acrn.


7:13 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

April 9, 2008

SOOO...are you following the media circus known as; General Petraeus tries to explain the surge is working?

If we have NOT “turned any corners” and there are NO “lights at the end of the tunnel”...why are we status quo? Why are we extending the surge again?

These are NOT my cliches, they belong to General Petraeus.

Ask anyone paying attention...
I mean really paying attention to the war, not the sound bites we are occasionally pitched by mainstream media.

The SURGE is NOT working, as there is no political reconciliation. The thought that our military can produce economic progress and an efficient government is laughable.

The facts are the facts...oil production remains below prewar levels, and reliable electricity in Baghdad remains an issue.

The Iraqi Government, we put into power, is corrupt and refuses to take the political steps required for some measurable sign that “they can stand up and we can stand down”.

It’s been five years, $535 billion dollars of American money, over 4,000 of our own LOST and 30,000 wounded.

Thousands upon thousands of Iraqi civilians killed, another bazillion wounded, orphans no body wants, and over a million refugees

Why can't the Iraqi government control their own country?
Cause they will NOT!
NOT as long as we are there to babysit.

7:50 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

What is up with John McCain?
He STILL confuses his Shi'a and his Sunnis. Kinda looks feeble minded.

Don't cha think he would review/study before he goes on national TV.

Is this what America wants...someone that repeatedly confuses the parties involved?
It’s NOT been once or twice, it’s been a half dozen times.

I know there is a faction of Americans that are/were mesmerized by Ronald Reagan.

The truth is the truth is the truth. Alzheimer's related dementia and forgetfulness does NOT just show up one day.

More often than NOT, it's a twenty to thirty year disease process.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

April 12, 2008

Another American soldier was killed this morning
in Baghdad.
This death is at least the 19th
American soldier killed in Iraq since last Sunday.

7:49 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

April 13, 2008

The surge MUST be working. The Iraqi Army IS standing up so we can stand down.
Good Lord...I am being sarcastic.

The AP reports this morning; 921 police and soldiers were fired in Basra ranging in rank from lieutenant colonel to brigadier general for desertion or refusing to engage in combat.

1,000 members of security forces, including an entire infantry battalion, had mutinied.
Some handing over vehicles and weapons to the militias.

More good news (sarcasm), an Apache helicopter destroyed an American Humvee.
A Hellfire missile missed its target and struck the armored vehicle.

9:49 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Good Lord...the Democratic primaries continue to drag on.

I am NOT a politician...therefore I do NOT see the need to be politically correct.

Do we really want the pulse of the country to be gauged by West Virginia?

How many West Virgina jokes are there, especially for Ohioans.

A common "joke" in these parts...instead of a high school diploma, West Virginians were given a map to a Ford plant in Ohio.

Hill is betting on the oldest, dumbest, poorest, bible thumping, black hating people in America to overturn the elections for her?

Of course we don't say that... we say the least college graduates, most under $50,000.00 annual income per household, and hard working white Americans in a purple swing state.

Perhaps, these folks could organize a giant garage sale and bar benefit to assist her in re-paying herself.

7:19 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

It's been awhile...

It's NOT like I haven't had a political thought since the Democratic primaries ended, and OBAMA won.

I continue to vet all the political information out there.
Often...I don't have time to develop a post for this blog.
I am busy posting elsewhere.

John McCain is more of the same...only worse.
NOT just a little bit forgetful...REALLY forgetful.

He is having more and more senior moments...cause he is a senior.
BTW, memory does NOT improve with age.

Dementia related disorders do NOT just fall upon takes years.

Trust me, I have been fooled more than once by a senior adult that has enough cortex functioning to KNOW they are memory impaired.

They are able to mask their shortcomings in memory with great stories of the past.
Yet, when pressed cannot tell you what they had for dinner yesterday.

I am NOT saying John McCain is that advanced in his dementia...however, I believe it's right around the corner.

7:42 AM  

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