
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Cleveland Country Music Diary

Webster's Country Music Diary begins...welcome to all free thinkers.
You and your words are welcome.
Come Blog with Me...ya never know what you might learn about the Cleveland country music scene.


Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Interesting... only three posts, but the blog has had 34 hits.

Folks are curious but aren't ready to commit their words.

I know you all have something worthwhile to say.

This blog is in it's infancy stage, and serves as a "pilot" for a really really good idea

7:32 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Happy 4th of July.
Today is Independence Day.

Curiously, Websterscountry was inspired from several angles. The dictionary was shelved just above eye level at my computer station. The light went off in my head. More about that later.

A book of words with definitions, and a user of the world wide web "webster"...and of course my fascination with the ever changing Cleveland country music scene.

What does Webster say?
The dictionary, that is...

Independence Day: A civil holiday for the celebration of national independence and commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

The struggle to break free from colonial status inspired the Declaration of Independence and provided the basis of the US Constitution and Charters of Freedom.

Charters of Freedom brought us the Bill of Rights. First and foremost is the freedom of unabridged speech.

Today is a celebration of freedoms. My personal favorite is "freedom of speech" Freedom to speak/write/web/post/blog without censorship, editing or moderating.

This blog is a direct result of posts being moderated and then rejected or removed. Our liberties and priviledges we celebrate today were born from a voice of dissent.

Your voice and words are welcome.
Come blog with me!!


9:35 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

July 6, 2005

Thank you to all who email me directly, I was quite surprised to find 19 messages this morning. I have responded to all personally and again have invited you to come blog with me.

An interesting aray of information was shared with me about the Cleveland country music scene...and the questions??? may promote your band on this blog. may post schedules,"tour" dates, concerts and charity events. may share a scoop you have heard. may voice your opinion. is my intent to expland the blog.

Yes...we have probably met.

Yes...I will answer emails.

Yes...I will email you with updates. can make up a name.

Yes...the clock is wrong.

No...I do not track you. do not have to agree with me.

No...I am not a stalker.

No...I do not line dance.

Maybe...we can have a topic of the day.

Maybe...I will create something called "un-named sources". will come blog with me!!


4:02 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Same ol' story with the Last Chance... Squabbles between ownership & management.

5:56 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

July 10, 2005

Has the Last Chance Saloon had its last chance?

I have seen my fair share of announcements that it is under new ownership touting "back and better than ever"...and there is always a story about someone climbing over the bar and grabbing the liqour license.

New ownership probably means new management, regardless... whomever the new party is they do not own the building, which to most observers is rotting away in a near blighted neighborhood. Serious capital is needed to renovate and make the establishment safe.

Just ask the ladies about the middle bathroom stall. Months ago the basement was visible through the bathroom floor. A sign read out of should have read DANGER!

For conversational purposes, lets say a larger big boned female could have vanished into the saloon's bowels trying make room for more beer in her body.

Line dancers as well as free stylers and Larry should have wondered if stomping on loose, water damaged and splintered floor boards was such a bright idea.

The Last Chance Saloon is located in a last chance neighborhood. Have you ever driven there in the daylight? You are sharing your evening with the people you just locked your doors over.

The parking lot was usually full of cars...however it doesn't appear that the drivers made the walk to the well. Must have been the commuters. Cars have been damaged, stolen, re-poed, and towed all in one weekend.

Petty people committed petty crimes. Fist fighting was a sport, and domestic violence was tolerated. Vomiting, urinating and defecating weren't always out of the view of visitors.

The Last Chance Saloon has seen great talent, great dancers and great crowds...and it's fair share of mediocrity.

The Last Chance Saloon was competing with Fat Boys and LOST.

Chances are it will be resurrected again...perhaps it is better off a memory.

9:35 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Sunday July 17, 2005

Blog: All points of view are worthy.

All points of view are worthy at quite honestly welcome.

Again this week, many took the time to share their point of view with me at through private emails.

Websterscountry received 27 responses to the "Last Chance" blog. A majority agreed (74%) that the saloon had a fair share of chances.

Country music zealots stated they went there ONLY when their favorite band was performing, and otherwise would not bother with the place.

Respondents shared their own saloon stories in gruesome fights, babbling regulars, parking lot follies and a complete description of a saloon patron losing "his cookies".

Ladies agreed the facilities were in a "desparate state" and the neighborhod was not nirvana...which brings me to the ONE person who wrote that I must live in neighborhood nirvana.

She was quite offended and polorized by the assessment of her neighborhood and saloon. She suggested I not patronize the Last Chance Saloon. I did not bother to explain the saloon was closed...again.

For the record, she does want me know not ALL her neighbors are criminals. She further empasized I should stick to the facts and not include my opinion. I did not bother to explain that a blog is op-ed.

I responded as delicately as I could given she acknowledged the monumental facts...crime, violence and bodily fluids. Her issue was the "near blighted" neighborhood she resides in.

In a second correspondence she dismissed the economic facts. Cleveland is the "poorest" city in the nation, and as long as the burbs offer country music venues, places like the Last Chance Saloon will struggle to survive.

Her point of view is worthy, and quite honestly welcome and so is yours.

Come blog with me!


1:59 PM  
Blogger Roadboss said...

Welcome country fans. Support ALL your local bands and the shows they play. The bands need to work together for the scene to improve, instead of trying to compete with each other. There is room for everybody and the fans are devoted to the music most of all.

9:22 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

August 7, 2005

The pot is stirred up over at Quite honestly I don't know if I should turn the flame up or down. It's gonna simmer for now to get the flavor right.

The Lawless yahoo group is a pressure cooker. It's my fault the girls are in a snit and boys are showing bravado. Perhaps it was the discussion moving away from Matt in shorts, and Steve in a tutu.

My name is scorned and spat upon, hate mail aplenty and I have been banned from the yahoo group. I wasn't trying to be part of the was an ooops.

Steve(drama/ballet student) wouldn't just leave it alone...he had to pump up and defend the Lawless honor.

It will take more than him accusing the rest of the world of being jealous to be taken seriously.

The Hardy boy detective wants to unleash the true "Marie" by posting my picture, home address and the sort...good Lord.

I am quite confident he does NOT have any unflattering photos of he wishes he could say the same.


9:15 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

August 8, 2005 8:37pm

Sunday's Blog is titled "The ooops"

How it happened? What I was trying to do? What I did after I got there? The challenge to others to have resisted the temptation.

The ooops was an ooops.

Those that would like to receive the Sunday op-ed blog directly to your email...send your request to

A real thank you to those who shared their words and thoughts.

Thank you for showing restraint. I did my very best.

Thank you for coming back and bringing others along.

Thanks for getting the soup to the table and off the stove.

Make sure and read the July 4th blog while you are here.

Posters/bloggers: please date and time your posts. I have no clue how to fix the clock or show the counter.

New Posters/bloggers: the option to email me directly at

Come blog with me!!

9:01 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

*Sigh* I DO BELIEVE that the BETTER band is getting recognition from a 'certain'country station because they are "Better" doesnt make the other bands suck in the least. The members of the bands all get along for the most part there is no animosity for the most part... so why should ANY of you care? If you gonna listen to gossip and base your opinions merely on GOSSIP alone well then thats pretty pathetic. Life is full of GOSSIP... there's gossip with EVERY band you go see.. the object is to be bigger than that and dont believe everything you hear!! If your offended or piturbed? by one certain or many members of a band.. maybe take 5-10minutes to get to know them.. they arent whom you'd think. Most of them guys would give the shirts off their backs for their friends/bandmates/fans whatnot. Think about this .. their 'attitude' has gotten them where they are now.. best of luck to ALL the local bands.. your all out there doing what you love to do and entertaining us your fans. THAT my friends is what its ALL about!!

2:13 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

August 10 7:00pm

Let's try to be fair and balanced...not the FOX kind.

Yes, all opinions are welcome...but please use some common sense.

Webster is intended to be inclusive not exclusive.

I am well aware of strong opinions...I have many of my own. Wit, humor and sarcasm are the preferred methods.

Direct slams only make you feel better for a short time.

7:14 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Cudos to emmandlucy from the Lawless Yahoo group for posting a direct link to websterscountry.

I was just sending invites and trying explain how to get here. I cannot even show the counter or fix the clock.

It's unfortunate that she copied/pasted Hammer's remarks first. The soup is back on the stove.

Of course it was done out of anger. She clearly didn't give it much thought before hand or maybe she's jealous...see how absurd that sounds?

The irony is "emmandlucy" asked to be removed from the blog invite weeks ago. So...honey whatcha doing here.

7:31 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

August 11

emmandlucy...I don't have a whole lot of time to spend on this.

Thank you for the spelling correction. Let me do the same sort of thing for you.

A debacle according to Webster's dictionary...(go back to first blog).

1. A tumultous breakup of ice in a river...ok we know this isn't what happened.

2. A violent disruption (as of an army)... nope not this.

3. A great disaster or complete failure...quite the contrary.

Traffic to is up 233%. Posts are up 111%. The hits are clamouring towards 1000.

I would hardly call one post a "devotee"...let's go back to Webster's. A devotee is an ardent follower, supporter or enthusiast.

Quite honestly...YOU have given him more credit/attention then he is due. YOU promoted him. YOU transplanted him to the Lawless site. YOU turned up th heat.

YOU requested to be removed from the blog invitation. YOU were corresponding with me.

YOU are welcome the blog "All Points of View are Worthy" YOU were the ONE.

2:54 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

August 12


You are a gem...thank you so much for stopping in.
Why don't you tell us all about Mon Ami at Catawba? I hear it's beautiful...worth the road trip.

I checked out their website. The property has great history, recent updates, and homemade wines.

Looks like a slice of heaven, and the drive can be all the way along the lake.

I hear Quaker Steak and Lube is looking to fill some dates. Call Scott Campana.

Anyone paying attention knows how I feel about the Last Chance Saloon.



7:10 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Sunday August 14, 2005
Blog: "The Ooops"

While working on "The Ooops", "The Drama of it All" returned to the forefront. For those of you who HAVE been paying attention; "The Drama of it ALL" was 86'ed.

As has been the case since late June, sends out an email invitation to "Come blog with me". A recent email requested "drama" items. The word kept coming up in conversations about the Cleveland country music scene.

People responded...insiders, outsiders, players, observers and the scorned. The problem with "The Drama of it All" was the information submitted, observed, gathered and speculated often two-stepped to the beat of morally corrupt behaviors...not jealous rage.

Obviously, by their own admission...the "spotlight" shined on Lawless. The question that begs to be asked and answered "Did they shine the light on themselves"? Perhaps a little reflection will assist them in reaching their goals.

Now..."The Ooops"
The ooops was a complete ooops in retrospect. Aren't we all brilliant in hindsight?

To refresh: websterscountry sends out an invitational email to "Come blog with me " EVERY week. In addition, the invitation is posted on many websites. On Sunday, the op-ed blog is emailed to the same database prior to post on

Websterscountry database is comprised of several lists; public, private, blind and groups. The various lists were merged to save time following a vacation and computer crash.

In a stroke of a key and a too quick of a click...ooops. The invitation went to the Lawless Yahoo group.
DISCLAIMER: I am a Lawless group member. I realized the ooops when the invite to blog came to me.

My opportunity to use discretion and restraint has come and gone and I regret the outcome. I confess I should have let the invitation stand alone. The realization I COULD post on the Lawless site without moderating/censoring was a novelty...and I just couldn't resist...ooops.

Newcomers to should take the time to read the blog from July 4th.

The Lawless site censored posts for weeks...that left them with mundane inquires, sappy accolades from the same three people and sadddled with 50 plus posts about the guys wearing shorts and ballet attire.

What began as an ooops could have stayed an ooops...instead it turned into a DRAMA.

Come blog with me!

4:14 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Ross kudos to you hun for your post about 'stealing'gigs from other bands. THAT is the adult and proper thing to's real professionalism on you and your bands part.!! Cheers my friend!!

12:49 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Thursday, August 18, 7:30pm

Don't let the lack of posts fool ya! As has been the case from early on...I have received umpteen emails.

Sunday's op-ed blog is titled:
"It's the Mail that Matters"

I had my share of hate mail with quips, quibbles and quirks. The banality of the threats and accusations was kinda amusing. The "less crowd" must have had a email tutorial. JDH has been scolded and won't be back.

I heard from the fringes, the alternatives, the underground, The Tabloid Twangers,The Curtis Brothers and my mother. I'll share it all on Sunday afternoon...after church.

Come blog with me!!
You and your words are welcome

7:37 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


Ooopsy daisy...he's back...does your leader know where you are?

Did you disclose you would be visiting webstercountry over libations and syndicated broadcasts of the Cable Guy?

You really shouldn't let him spank...just scold.

6:01 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Saturday, August 20, 7:00pm

Hardy...Good Lord!!

If ever I got my hands on you, it would be to smack you up side the head...draw up my dainty little hand and extend my pointing finger into your face and wail "What's a matter with you"?

Ross...Good News!!

I appoint you the executive ambassador of Clevelandcountry. Thanks for the great post about the Curtis Brothers.

Curtis Brothers...Good Save!!

Hope you stopped in to to read the appreciation from Laredo.

Look for the Sunday op-ed titled "It's the Mail that Matters"


7:06 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Hello to everyone...nope it wasn't the lack of news, gossip, rumors, opinions, or blogs.

It might have been GOD...the ligtening strike that is! Zapped just about everything electrical that was plugged in.

It's ironic...I've been waiting for the cable guy.


5:32 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Public Service Annoucement


Check your workplace internet use policy.

Some are more liberal than others.

5:43 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

No one is going argue that your man is not a great drummer, not anyone that has seen him and was being objective.
He knows country...he knows heartland/version 10...although I think it would also be fair to say yov've had 1/2 dozen versions yourself...hope this is the one!

Please keep us updated.

Tonight's PSA

Anyone that has the capability to bring a red cross link to your site for the hurrican victims...the sooner the better.

August 31st.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

September 1

Tonight's PSA

Anyone who is able can donate blood to assist with the hurricane relief effort.

Cash donations are needed...goods and supplies while worthy cannot get into the area at this time.

Charity advisors are warning to donate/fundraise to recognizable organizations such as the red cross or the salvation army.

Please post links on your websites.

7:25 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

I'm sure they appreciate your care and concern, but Heartland was just great last night. As everyone on this blog is always quick to point out, fill-ins happen all the time and the guys did very well on such short notice. The lack of loyalty within bands never ceases to amaze me, but we all pretty much know who is out there willing to help out in a pinch. Anyway, it was a packed house last night. Nick's Hideout seems to be doing just fine under the new name, except last Friday night. Left at 11:00 and there were less than 20 people there. What's up with that? On a Friday night? Was it the band? Or, maybe everyone was home resting up for the Jam the next day. Didn't make it myself, but heard it was a good time. It has been kind of slow on here lately but hopefully more posts will be forthcoming. Everyone have a great day!

9:44 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

"As for Heartland.....
does anybody REALLY care?"

LOLOLOL!!! Absolutely perfect!

1:53 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


I don't recommend clicking on an unidentified website or link.

3:42 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

I guess last night, 9/23, was Amateur night at the Hideout.

9:45 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Sunday September 24th 10:30am

Molly...what do you mean?

Who was hiding?

What was uncovered?

10:29 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...'s Sunday the 25th.

Hurricane Relief benefit today...all day at Sneaky Pete's in Eastlake.

I have so much to post, and so little time. Funny, insightful and Heartland is not mentioned once.

Come blog with me!!


10:39 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Amateur night at Nick's Hideout = Whiskey Bent. As usual, nepotism is alive & well in Cleveland. It seems that when you know the owner, you can convince that loser owner to cancel a band about 7 hours before a gig. Then you can convince the owner to actually lie how about who will be playing as a replacement. Steve doesn't even have the balls to be honest when asked a direct question. Wow, the power that the prima donna lead singer of Whiskey Bent must feel that he has. Yes, ladies: he ain't too hard to look at. Unfortunately, he is a foul-mouthed thief who can't hold his liquor very well, a mediocre singer who can't remember the words to even the most basic country songs, a user and basically a ho in pants. If this is the way Nick's Hideout is gonna do business, it's no wonder that WGAR wants nothing to do with them. And I've heard Rockabilly's has issues. I placed Nick's in the same league.

2:40 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Monday Sept. 26 8:1opm


Who was cancelled?

Was it Whisky Bent that showed up or the band that showed up was whisky bent?

8:07 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Guess you can't ADD to a post. Hate having to retype stuff. Anyway, there is NO way that Nick's profits were low the Wednesday that Heartland played. Common sense would tell you that 100 people will spend more than 20 people. I had almost 20 in my group alone. Apparently Steven doesn't get out much to compare Fridays and Wednesdays. But that's pretty typical of bar owners...rely on what others have to say rather than see it themselves. Perhaps he has trouble forming his own opinion or reading the correct column on the accounting sheet.

The lead singer of Whiskey Bent has a tendency to forget whole verses rather than just missing a word or there.

A couple of questions for countryfanfromhell: A while back you said that too many of your "friends" weren't "treated properly" by Jim/Heartland in the past. Have your friends moved on? Maybe to bigger & better things? Kudos to them. Why has it become your mission to continually defend them on this blog? Your one-track, small mind shows the kind of hateful person you are, but really, it's time you found a hobby. In the end, what does all that hate and negativity add to your life?

10:22 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy,

I am not a HEARTLAND defender. I'd like to think of myself as a country band defender. I enjoy pretty much every band out there playing in Cleveland & the surrounding area. I would have tried to make my point about any band that was cancelled 6-7 hours before a gig. That is what is wrong with this picture. Not the band itself. It's the way things are done. I've heard about other people in different bands that don't get along. I hear about it and then it goes away. The vendetta against Heartland is comical because each one of you CONSTANTLY ragging on them/Jim shows your ignorance. We all get that you don't care for the guy. We all are entitled to our opinion. Move on....there are so many other bands to talk about.....God knows I haven't heard enough about Lawless' CD! LOL Good for them! All I'm saying is doesn't anyone have anything GOOD to say anymore? Everyone has tunnel vision with their Heartland comments. Expand your horizons people! Surely you can find some good things to talk/blog about rather than so much hate. Again, move on, get a hobby, get a LIFE or just enrich it by trying to focus on the positive rather than the negative all the time. Bands who make it on their OWN are the ones to be the most proud of.

11:28 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy,

Thank you for at least agreeing with me in part. Cancelling a gig on short notice sucks. I realize that people aren't quick to forgive, but it's a shame people can't try. Anyway, hope to see some of you out and about this weekend.
Noon Tuesday

12:08 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Jen you made an excellent point. WGAR really built up the Wednesday crowd I think. I'm not into football at all but tis the season. And as Hardy pointed out, the check point right outside didn't help a few weeks ago. I don't think that was a problem this past Friday though.

Only time will tell with Whiskey Bent but my prediction is they won't last TOO long. The initial gigs may show promise, but in the end, the lead singer will fall flat. There are many reasons for that....but AGAIN, this is only my opinion.

Tuesday, 1:30 PM

1:30 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Oh, I'm postin' it Merrigoround! Seems like most don't like it, but that's fine w/ me. We're all here to banter back and forth, whether we agree or disagree with what's being said. It's all good.

2:01 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Jen, Merrigoround, what exactly were your opinions of Whiskey Bent? We ALL seem to know mine (lol) but I'm curious as to others' opinions as well.

2:13 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Jen, thanks for clarifying that my thoughts and opinions are coming through just fine. Perhaps I haven't been around as long as some of you have, but my thing is that I don't let other peoples' ideas, grudges, comments, opinions or anything else influence me. Jim's been great around me. Of course, I'm not playing in his band. lol However, just because other people, i.e., former band members, have had issues with him does not mean:
#1, that I won't have anything to do with him;
#2, that he should be blackballed from the bar scene or from trying to get gigs.
The funny thing is whenever I've seen Heartland play, everyone's all nice to him. From what I can see, most of y'all don't care for him but not too many people say that to his face. Not that I've seen anyway. But that's par for the course: most people ARE all talk but no action. We have mediocre singers who think they're Gretchen or Patsy (God forbid) and want to sing with the band....when they should probably just stay seated. But I've never seen anyone turned down. OK, a couple of really drunk guys that have grabbed the mike, but for the most part, people are welcome and that's great! I just think people need to be a little less judgmental. Whatever issues anyone has had with Jim/Heartland in the past is their own business.....and shouldn't be used to constantly bash the guy. Again, time to move on to other things....

4:08 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Hey Bob, I'M not the one who was keeping the Heartland banter goin' back & forth. I'm perfectly able to let things go and move on. But, I will reply to others who cannot get on with their lives.

Let's see - Kenny & Renee. Does ANYONE really care? Doesn't affect my life one way or another.

Webster, here's a question I've been meaning to ask. I know you're a busy gal, but, can't you archive some of the older posts?

OK, let's see, you want me to pick a topic..... It's Wednesday AM and I'm drawing a blank. It's not exactly a topic, per se, but could turn into one I'm sure. Has anyone heard anything at all about the Last Chance reopening? First I heard it wasn't going to be country then I heard it was. Just wondering if anyone has any updates.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Todd, thanks for the information. If I may, I'd like to add one more band to your list: Silver Spur. They don't play around here TOO often, but just happen to be at Fat Boys this coming Saturday, 10/1, and will be at Nick's in November. Check them out at

2:47 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Hey, I've never actually heard them miss a word either, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. No one is perfect - that's all I was saying. I think Todd got what I meant. Anyway, hope everyone's having a great Thursday so far!!!

12:06 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hey Molly...

Not to belabor the point, but I just wanted to chime in.

I understand that sometimes people/bands are blackballed for the wrong reasons... and that sucks. This just doesn't happen to be one of those situations. This is the karmic reaction of years upon years of a person treating other people like shit and it's coming back to haunt him. So don't feel bad for Jim/Heartland... He deserves every, single thing and every harsh criticism that comes his way.

Remember... There's a common denominator when it comes to Heartland. There's a reason entire bands have quit on numerous occasions. There's a reason that NO musician leaves that band on good terms. There's a reason that bar owners are finally starting to NOT buy the bullshit...

Sometimes being blackballed is a direct result of a person's actions. And this, my friend, is one of those times.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Mark, Mark, Mark,

Whatever. Get over it already! Isn't it time to move on? Does it make YOU feel better to watch others fail or be hurt? How's that workin' for ya? It's a shame that people harbor this much disgust or hatred for such a long time. It's a shame that your tunnel vision and hate is blocking your ability to get on with your life. Let it go!!!

2:59 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Damn, Molly... I was merely posting my thoughts on a topic. I apologize... No, actually, I don't apologize, nor do I care if you dislike my thoughts and/or opinions. Other people aren't crying and whining for you to put an end to your seemingly undying love for and perpetual defense of Jim/Heartland, so why do you find it so necessary to tell others to move on? People are just discussing a topic. Just because you don't like the direction and/or content of said topic doesn't give you the right to tell others to move on. A simple solution would be to not participate if you feel it's too negative. Regardless if it's negative or positive, these are real feelings posted by real people which, in and of itself, embodies the precise definition of a blog.

I only check this blog a couple times a week so I don't see all of the comments from minute to minute. Although you seem to be tired and frustrated by this topic, I just read it for the first time today so I wanted to voice my opinion.

I have no idea where you're coming from with your "Does it make YOU feel better to watch others fail or be hurt?" comment. It's not even pertinent to the discussion that's being held. Nobody has made mention to anything of the sort other than you.

There is a majority consensus on this particular topic and you find yourself in the minority and taking a very defensive stand. It sucks to be on the outside looking in... I get that.

You seem to be an intelligent woman, Molly. You shouldn't let your relationship with somebody skew your vision of what has happened in the past, is happening now, and will happen in the future.

3:51 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hey Molly...

I directed my post towards your post, not you personally... if that makes any sense. It definitely wasn't an attack on you.

Now... Let's "MOVE ON"!!! ;-}~~~

4:12 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Finally! :-) YOUR turn to pick the next topic!

4:34 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

OK... I got one.

Do you guys think there's any interest out there in a country cover band that may not really cater to the line dancers? Not so much "alt country", but just different. Like a country band that plays some of the old one-hit wonder country tunes???

I was in the process of putting a band together and we found ourselves going over song lists saying things like, "We have to do Watermelon Crawl or Rocky Top for the line dancers." And once we found ourselves feeling like we HAD to do that, we simply were so disgusted that we blew up the entire idea of the band.

No offense at all to any other bands, line dancers or line dancing. I just think that there's PLENTY of other bands that already play the stuff that the line dancers like. We wanted to do songs that we liked and hopefully others would too that wouldn't necessarily be very (OK, I'm gonna coin a phrase now... lol) "line-danceable." But we didn't want what's popular or what's "line-danceable" dictating our set list. We even wanted to mix in a few off-the-wall rock/metal tunes that we liked... Just cuz we could. But then we just started wondering how feasible it would be.

So do you guys think a band like this could exist in Cleveland's commercial country world or would it kinda just get shoved into the alt-country niche? Does a band HAVE to do the same things and play the same songs to be commercially viable locally? Not that that's a bad thing, just curious.

4:57 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Apparently Hammer didn't get the memo............

Mark, I think mixing it up is a good thing. I miss hearing the older tunes or one-hit wonders as you say. I'm sorry that you decided not to pursue something along those lines. Never feel like you have to conform and do what everyone else is doing. Most of the bands ARE playing the same music. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. However, sometimes variety is needed to keep it interesting. You could be playing the music you want to be heard but you could have been the band to throw an occasional "line-danceable" song in rather than let that be the type of music to dominate you. My opinion would be to give it a shot. You'll never know the outcome unless you put it out there as an option for people.

10:05 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Are you pinching yourself?
With Dwight for a night!
This must have been on your wish list for a long long time.
Very Very cool.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hey Webster...

Is there anyway you can archive the first
posts so we don't have to scroll down 6 MILES to see the latest happenings? lol.


10:55 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Tuesday October 4th

Ok...try collapsing the comments and use the page down button, seems faster to me. It's the best I can do. I readily admit I am a novice. I haven't a clue how to archive. I cannot change the clock or show the counter either. has surpassed 2300 hits. Way more interest than meets the eye or that anyone admits. People are always looking for the latest DINGER, DIRT, or DRAMA.

Also, my mailbox is always brimming with op-eds, things people heard or saw...some with photos. Those little phone cameras capture the damndest things. Love all the marie web addresses...we should stat a club!

Everyone have a great week. Post what you you want when you want. You and your words are welcome.

Come blog with me!


7:32 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Saturday October 8 before noon

NICK'S HIDEAWAY is alive and well on Wednesday least that is my impression this past Wednesday.

The place was bustling with line dancers, country crooners, faithful followers, pretty ladies, neon cocktails and Webster... well into the late night. LAREDO kept the crowd for an extra set.

The midnight highlight was John Hardy and Tim King "REUNITED...and it SOUNDED so good", uttered by Todd and tweaked by Webster.
"It's Only Make Believe" brought applause, whistles, cheers and a tear to the eye of those who know the history.

The most recent "former" Heartland singer and now front man for Whiskey Bent might be "Born to Boogie", but he's in dire need of Ginko. Singing 101 demands learning the words! Someone needs to help this guy.

Please Please...Whoever is in charge of front man school in the Cleveland country scene, can we lose the "are we having fun yet" and " give me a hell yes" ?

Check out everyone's website to see who is where. Have a great weekend.

Come Blog with me!

11:49 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Sunday, 10 PM

Heartland was at Fat Boys this weekend.

Lead singer of Whiskey Bent DID miss class: Singing 101. Must have had something better to do. I'll spring for the Ginko for him....everyone else, remind him to listen to the CDs to learn the words!

Tim: Wishing you well with the new band.

10:01 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

I was just concurring with Marie from one of her last posts. Get over yourself countryfanfromhell. I will reiterate what I was saying....USUALLY when someone wants to start a band and become the lead SINGER of that band they need know the words. In order to SING, you must know the words to the song. Simple concept that apparently got by Mike. LOL I'm not bashing the guy - I'm stating a simple fact.

Best website? Hmmm, I like the site the Curtis Brothers Band has. Lots of pictures and I think it's set up very classy. But, Laredo's is great too. Hard to just narrow it down to one.

8:53 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Marie brought up Ginko - I just offered to purchase it! She brought up Singing 101; I just agreed with her. I know what I typed but thanks for retyping it for me. You are the one reading too much into things but whatever. Marie made a couple of great points but I'm not supposed to expand on them or agree if I so choose. Whatever. It seems that anything I say or post, you are going to have an issue with. Obviously that is YOUR problem not mine.

12:12 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

I vote for Laredo on the website question. They update frequently, have nice things to say about the business and encourage fans to post and visit. Curtis Brothers gets a close second...I like that revolving award they won from the Free Times.
Rebels and Rogues has not been updated for awhile...and I think they have a new name Honkey Tonk something.
The Lawless site is rarely updated, and they wait till the last mintue to post their new schedule, in addition the "group" interaction is well...check it yourself, last week it was a 100 posts about Kenny and Renee, this week is something about Chris Cagle and Mr. Lookin trying to get hooked up. I would have thought their would have been more chat/post about Dwight? maybe JDH will stop in and tell us all about "a dream coming true"
Kentucky Thunder...very old pictures and difficult to get to
Conestoga is pretty average. Tombstone was building something interesting. Tim's new band Swamp Boogie has a decent website, I like the slide show pictures.
This site while boring to look at is rich in content. Here... it's all about the words and thoughts, regardless of who ya are.

Hugs and Kisses

Come blog with me!

6:08 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Ok...I have been tinkering. Who knows why everything is in capital letters on the front page?
I might have set the blog to archive once a month...

6:21 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Wow.. all this bashing going on here..One thing I'll say is this.. EVERY band has worked hard to get where they are today...SOME not so hard at it.. Lawless is at the top of the Cleveland Country Circuit for a reason.. they are good.. doesnt mean the others suck in the least.. I'm a Lawless follower but I've gone out to see Laredo/RebelsNRouges/KentuckyThunder etc... all these bands have excellent talent in them... just cuz one makes it a lil farther than another doesnt mean that SLESS as he was referred to previoulsy is an ass or whatnot.. I'm sure the person who comment on that really doesnt know Steve as well as most of us do.. So there's been changes in the band, every band it happens, ya gotta tweek it so to speak if ya wanna get where ya wanna go.. Lawless is heading one way and thats UP.. You dont like it then dont come out and dont bad mouth them.. I think we all forgot we are all adults here.. lets leave the banter and name calling where it belongs.. back in HIGH SCHOOL! All the local bands deserve recognition for what they do they come out and entertain US their fans... they know without US it been damn nean impossible to be where they are today.. and dont think for a minute that ANY of them dont know that and appreciate it..

8:15 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Less News.. Buddy maybe you should actually know the FACTS before your run your trap about why the guitar player left. Had nothing to do with differences of opinions or what not.. he wasnt booted from the band.. he had personal reasons for leaving the band. YES HE left.. he wasnt kicked out.. no one hold hard feelings towards him for this.. at some point you just have to do what ya gotta do in life.. So be Anti-Lawless if you'd like you wont be missed for sure.. but know the facts before you post please. Have a nice Day!! :)

7:57 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hey Monica...

I bet Chris Cagle wishes there were A LOT more people like you who were willing to talk about him... Then maybe he and his music would be relevant again... lol. (I actually liked his first album... Thought it all went downhill from there though.)


12:01 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

I'm sure I am wrong, Monica... Considering that I pretty much despise 90% of the country music that is considered "good" by the force-fed populace.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Ugh.. Sless doesnt care where his talent goes they are grown men for christ sake..and as far as Matt being a no-show no-call that nite.. its really NO ONE's business why he wasnt there.. he wasnt trying to get any point across its his personal life that was affected.. quit trying to act like he was trying to prove a point by not calling and not showing up like it was retaliation or something.. it wasnt!! Again know the ALL the facts before you try to make a story out of something and get the gossip mill grinding. Matt had other things in his life that were MORE important than the band.. Grant it he is missed but we respect and understand his decision. Matt will not be forgotten in the eyes of the Lawless family! Enough said.. IM tired of repeating myself..

7:40 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

It's SWEETEST DAY, I am hopeful that by the time you stopped in to see what the fans are saying about the anticipated exit of a very talented musician from Cleveland's Hottest Country remembered it was sweetest day and shared it with the one that you love whether your at the Lorain County Speedway, Nick's Hideout, on the west side, on the east side, down south, down town, out of town, or home with the wife and kids.
Tell her you love her...give her choclate, and the remote...and peace can prevail.


Come Blog With Me!

3:08 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...


Got an email this afternoon that the club might be closed/closing.

5:36 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Well said, mliggwybeg. It's the band's business why they do what they do. They don't owe the fans an explanation.

12:33 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Hey Webster!Did you enjoy yourself lastnight at Liquid Therapy?""Thursday Oct 20th 329pm""

3:30 PM  
Blogger Roadboss said...

"Why can't we all just get a-looooonnnnnng-neck".
Come on everybody, there is room for peace in the Country!!!

3:32 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LOL JDH thanks for re-interating what I've been tryin to tell everyone here about Matt.. sheeshh.. And this subject should be dropped now.. Matt's personal life is just that HIS PERSONAL life.. If you read this matt.. WE Love You and Miss you!! LOL HA!

9:21 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

I caught Whiskey Bent @ the Blue Moose on Wed. They were good. Good crowd and nice venue for country. I'd suggest it to anyone.

And, yes, Whiskey Bent will be @ Pounders in Parma Heights tonight.

10:38 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Let's just put it this way... One band had a gig and another band didn't... ;-}~~~

12:47 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Poetic justice was done at Pounders Sat. night. The "mill" can say/think what they want. However, if anyone else was actually in attendance, I'd love to hear your "two cents". I had a blast! Well worth the wait..... If you weren't there, speculate all you want.

Monday, 1 PM

1:04 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

If you consider an unprofessional jackass without a gig interrupting a band that actually has a gig "poetic justice", then... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

1:16 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

I consider a person getting their possessions back from a thief (after numerous less drastic attempts) an EXCELLENT show to watch! There was no "interruption" of anything as the gig hadn't started yet. Actually Mike was great. He was fully cooperative as he knew he was in the wrong to intentionally keep something that was not his.

1:23 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hmmm... I've heard that there are extenuating circumstances regarding this situation and that all is not as it appears on the surface. I really can't comment on details because I simply don't know all of them. I guess it's best left to the individuals involved. I just know that the entire thing smacked of desperation and jealousy.

My point in my previous post wasn't that the actual gig was interrupted, but the fact that there was a gig to be interrupted. That's more than can be said for one of the parties involved in the discrepancy.

1:45 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Since Molly seems to know more of the details than I do, I believe she would be better fit to do the honors.

2:17 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

As for anyone being "unprofessional", please tell me on what planet a band lets the equipment go with an exiting member. Extenuating circumstances or not, if someone had something of yours and you asked for its return, you would expect to get it back. I was there so I am not speculating on what went down. There wasn't but a handful of people in the bar but I suppose a few people with wild imaginations will make it out to be more than it really was.

I guess I misread your post, Mark, about the interruption. Sorry about that.

2:26 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

On another note, Sat. was my first time at Pounders. Seemed like a nice little bar. Has anyone checked out Uncle Joe's yet? I know Curtis Brothers was there about a week ago.

3:00 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hey Molly... Think about it. The question shouldn't be "on what planet would a band let the equipment go with an exiting member?" The question should be "WHY???" would you let an exiting member leave with your equipment? That would be one of my first orders of business as a "professional." As I said, I don't know all the details, but it all seems a little fishy to me.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

What's done is done and the equipment is back with the person who purchased it, as it should be. Regardless of WHY Mike had the equipment (and I don't have the answer to that), when he was asked for its return, he should have been man enough to return it. He ignored all other requests to return it. He brought on how it was done all by himself. People can believe what they thoughts are it should have been done this way a month ago.

3:29 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Yeah, I agree... What's done is done. I don't know many of the details and it's really none of my business, but I just consider the person involved and personal dealings with said person, and I must question what really happened.

Regarding Pounders... It was my first time there also. It seemed as good a little bar as any other. Haven't checked out Uncle Joe's yet. Mental not made though...

3:57 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

See now, there we were at the same place and didn't get a chance to meet! Jay said a while back he'd like to meet some of the bloggers face-to-face. I think it could be interesting as well. Actually, a lot of us have probably already met and just don't realize it. Have a great afternoon.

4:13 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Monday October 24th 8:20pm

Good's been a busy week.

The posts went wild, the hits on the sight are through the roof and my email was jammed with gossip,the Lawless cancellation, explanations, directions and Webster sightings.
I wish I had been at Liquid Therapy, the Sly Fox or the Tequilla Ranch and I really really wish I had been at Pounders.
I was away at a very very boring conference. I was so jet lagged when I got in last night I didn't log on to clevelandcountry till today. I hope to repond to all emails tonight and tomorrow evening.
I haven't seen Buck be a "@#$*" for months. Sometimes ya just need a spectacle to make your Saturday night...usually it's his sidekick!

According to my email it was something out of the wild wild west. The big guy with the hat and cigar claiming "his gear". Not clear on all the details...or who played. My sources (2) say there is a money problem. Anyone that has been "short-changed" or received NO benefit from the "band fund" is encouraged to post their story.

EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE...don't need to know who ya are, or where ya came from. You can agree or disagree, make your point or be pointless, vent, post your schedule or event, tell us about a great club, a great song, a great drink. I don't track you, edit you, or censor you. You are free to identify yourself or come up with something clever. Also, you may email me directly with news, questions etc.
Come blog with me!

8:26 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Been tinkering with the settings...might have finally figured out the clock. So, that must mean archiving is not too far behind.

9:04 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

YEP...we are now in the right time zone! I am sooooooooo happy.

After archiving will come links, one can only hope this can be accomplished before the end of the year. Ya know under predict and over produce!

9:07 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

How do you like the new front page?
Did ya think you were lost?

I found the settings page, mastered the clock, got the title to fit into the box...all before midnight!

9:20 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Look at that're becoming a technical wizard!

9:44 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Either things are changing colors around here or that cough syrup is finally starting to kick in...

9:53 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

I saw a note on the home page of Lawless' site that clearly stated that the show was cancelled due to circumstances beyond their control.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Mark you are correct it clearly stated on the Main page of their website that the show was cancelled.

2:03 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Now Sara dahling.......I'm sure you're aware I don't need to justify to anyone why I was anywhere. Last I heard, Pounders is open to the public. I am not anti-Mike (actually had a conversation w/ him when I got there). He just got a lesson in right versus wrong. BUT, it's been FOUR days since all this happened and I've moved on. This is why the "mill" keeps churning I guess.....

I know Marie likes a different topic thrown in now and again...I'm curious as to how the current bands around town came up with their band names. Anybody?

9:43 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

~ Reply to Molly's Question ~

"I'm curious as to how the current bands around town came up with their band names. Anybody?"


I know exactly how Heartland got their name... We were told to make a list of possible names that we liked. Then we got to rehearsal where we were going to discuss possible names for the band and bounce ideas off each other. There was no discussion. The meeting lasted approximately 2 minutes. We were TOLD, "The band is going to be called Heartland."

A day that will go down in infamy... lol.

I know Lawless got their name from their original drummer, John Lawless.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

The Tin Man is an a**.

Thanks for your take on Heartland's name, Mark. It's good to hear everyone's opinions. I know it's really hard for anyone on this blog to actually write something constructive without bashing someone. Cool that Lawless was someone's last name.

11:34 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hey Molly...

My post wasn't a "take." It's not my opinion on what happened. It's fact. It IS what happened. Ross was there... Ask him... lol.

I know, I know... semantics. I just don't want you or anybody to think that it happened any other way.

11:49 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Mark, I believed you. You were there and know how it went down. All I meant was that I appreciated your response.

12:14 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Thanks, Molly. I just wanted to make that clear... And, yes... Unfortunately, I was there... lol.

12:17 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Are you still thinking about another band or is it still on hold?

12:27 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

If it makes any sense... both. I'm still thinking about another band, but for right now it's just kinda in a holding pattern.

12:33 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Makes sense to me. Got a name picked out yet? LOL Only kidding.

12:39 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

LOL! Maybe I'll just wait for somebody to TELL me what the name should be. ;-}~~~

2:03 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

I'm guessing you won't let THAT happen again! :-)

2:15 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Huh? Bat Boy, I thought only adults were on this blog. Definitely some ODD people on here. I'm not in a "Heartland trance". ROFLMAO - do y'all think I only go out and see one band? All I know is I'd hate to see how everyone treats their moms, exes, former employers/friends, etc. Everyone holds a grudge forever and a day it seems. How's it working for you? Life's way too short. I know Heartland doesn't have any fans (it seems) on this blog. I don't CARE what you think about them. It seems that most of you don't think I have anything relevant to always goes back to Heartland. SURELY someone, somewhere on Cleveland's country scene can find something a little more intelligent to talk about.

2:55 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Honky Tonk Hearts formerly Rebels and Rogues is annoucing an acoustic night featuring T.B. Foot and John Hardy. This a blast from the past...the duo as well as the music.

Hope someone stops in to give us more details.

3:03 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

It's on the R&R website. First show is tomorrow night at a club named RODEO in Tremont.

3:06 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hey Todd... you should see if you can get Laredo tires to sponsor the band since you guys put so many miles on the vehicles... lol.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hey John! Sounds like a hoot! I'm gonna try to make it out after rehearsal!

6:47 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


10:31 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Sorry about the caps.. I wasnt yelling I was merely stating to quit beating a dead horse.. and ill post where ever i choose.. thank you!!

1:18 PM  
Blogger Mark said...


4:42 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Preach on Brother Hardy!! LOL

4:53 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


1:27 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LMAO ok John Riley!!

1:56 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

country fan you wouldnt know a good thing if it bit ya on the ass.. now you wanna start ramblin we can ramble about your alcoholic gf.. but I really DONT want to go there...

2:21 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:43 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

What have we become? Comparing musicians' looks??? (Which neither John nor Todd look like either one of the people that they're being compared to...) But even if they did... WHO CARES!!! They're both good musicians, and more importantly, great guys.

And to think... I was getting reprimanded just a few weeks ago for discussing the way somebody managed (or mismanaged) his band... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!!!

2:48 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

My bad.. she's not your gf she's your fiance? or is it wife now?? Either way lock up the booze!! LOL

2:54 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

lmao... Clevejealousfan.. preach all you wont.. your looking for a battle here.. if thats what you want you'll get that and your lose my friend.. You sure have alot to say about everyone else and yet you still HIDE behind that name.. funny must be a chickenshit LOL

3:05 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Wow, miss a couple of days, miss a LOT it seems. I don't know Hardy so I can't add much to this "conversation". Sara - cute how you clarified your "backstage" remark. I agree with Mark, who cares what the members of a band look like. They're singers, not fashion models.

3:05 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

I think that this link is rather fitting at this juncture in the conversation:



3:14 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Applications are now being accepted for the position of house maid!Must know how to cook,wash dishes,dust,mop,make a bed,operate a coffee machine,holding hands and kissing experience an added plus.Wages are negotiable and the hours are flexible!Anybody interested in this position,please contact the sender of this ad!Have a nice day!

3:15 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Terrible, Mark, just terrible. But, perfect in this case.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

OK, Michael. Since when did this blog become a personals site? lol

3:21 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

My grammar is the least of your worries .. sorry but I'm typing fast not really paying too much attention to the spelling.. why dont you really tell me who you are? Because I can guarantee you my friend we've crossed paths before .. dont be shy.. and FYI I spelled my 'name' that way on purpose.. dont even try to make me look like the idiot here.. You really have no idea how idiotic you look at the moment. We can find out who you REALLY are by tracing IP addresses.. would you like us to go that route? I mean if you can walk the walk honey then come on and talk the talk and reveal yourself to us all..

3:22 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Mark lol your funny.. and I'll have to agree.. This is old.. Im done with it.. I know all I need to know.. LOL

3:25 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

3:29 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

I was just trying to lighten things up a bit. Things were getting a little heated around here... ;-}~~~

3:31 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Sara its a joke but I'll gladly post who I am here..

3:34 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

How sweet would it be if nakkedmonkey and clevecntryfan were the same person with a split personality having an argument w/ herself... lol!

3:37 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Mark lmao.. NO trust me we are two seperate people LMAO

3:38 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Can I ask an honest question?How long has everybody in here been into country music,who are your favorite artists and what concerts have you gone to this year?

3:38 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

How dare you, Michael!!! You actually want to talk about COUNTRY MUSIC!!! What's wrong with you???!!!??? You know we don't do that here!!! lol.

3:47 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Michael, I myself have been into country about 6-7 years. As for concerts, don't get to many but did manage to see Toby, as I do every year. He's my favorite, but there are so many talented artists out there, it's really hard to narrow down a few. Same questions back at you......I know the answer to the concerts because you go to most of them! lol

3:50 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Ive noticed!Its to the point where you have to take blood pressure pills with you when you go out to see a band!lol

3:52 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


4:00 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Ive been into country for over 8 years,but metallica,ac/dc,led zepplin still sound great!I think Allison Krauss& Union station and Vince Gill stick out the most so far this year!

4:06 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Allison and Vince are good... Too bad the industry seems to be most interested in seeing how much Kenny Chesney and (no offense, Molly) Toby Keith they can shove down the public's collective throat!!!

4:13 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Yeah, yeah, I know Toby's overplayed. But that's ok in MY book. :-) Vince and Alison are great. Blake Shelton and Trace Adkins are good as well.

4:25 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

I like Allison and Vince .. Trace is good as well.. My daughter loves Budunka Dunk LOL.How ironic is just came on the radio as I typed that LOL.. I'm a big Gary Allan fan myself and Chris Cagle but one of the best concerts for me this past year would have to have been Rascal Flatts

4:41 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

I had 5th row for Rascal Flatts!I should have included them also!I need to run!Give ""Peace a Chance""!It works!

4:48 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Yeah... Rascal Flatts are ridiculously good... Overplayed too, but ridiculously good.

I remember the first time I saw them (2000?) at the Country Music Festival, I thought they were country's answer to the Backstreet Boys. That was truly a case of first impressions meaning ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Those guys have talent pouring out of their ears.

4:49 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Busy bloggers today!

Welcome to all the first timers! Stop in anytime, invite your friends, families and fans.

A few housekeeping items:

EVERYONE IS WELCOME and NO ONE IS TRACKED, I have no need to know who you are...and god knows I don't have a clue. Anyone familliar with the site knows it took months for me to figure out how to get the site into the eastern time zone. Obviously, I haven't mastered the archiving option.

I hope to get all the band links on the front page. They will be in alphabetical order, for those who need to know. This will take time. My goal is by Christmas.

this is an op-ed site, anonymity is a timeless tradition.

PLEASE PLEASE refrain from using profanity. Intelligent people can find better words to express themselves or their ideas.

Twas a smart move posting your personal website here. I noted your numbers tripled since the post. As for the may need a new writer.

7:03 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Amen, Foot.

12:43 AM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

A special welcome to TB Foot.
A Cleveland country favorite.

I am confident that anyone that has worked with Foot in the current century or the last knows he has kept the Cleveland country music scene alive and well.

8:12 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Have you been drinking already this morning, Todd? lol. ;-}~~~

11:45 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

*Hopping up on soapbox*

Know what I hate? All of these pseudo-punk rockers and metal heads who SUDDENLY say that Johnny Cash was a huge influence on them...

Until Johnny re-made "Hurt" by NIN, other than a few exceptions, those silly bastards would never have even acknowledged Johnny Cash's legacy. The only people who truly knew what a bad-ass Johnny was are the country fans.

To our credit (and to steal from another legend)... We were country "When Country Wasn't Cool."

*Stumbles awkwardly and falls off soapbox*

12:15 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:38 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Webster said...

Trick or Treat

Lots of little munchkins at my door tonight. Six bags of candy,the good stuff...twix, snickers, milky ways.
It still annoys me...the trick or treaters that are NOT age appropriate. Teenagers with cell phones and infants in strollers.

Just a little gentle reminder:
Please tone down the language...use a dictionary if you have to. I am aware there are very strong opinions. This is the PLACE to express them. EVERYONE is welcome to do so. My only request is clean it up. There is a very diverse, growing group logging on to our blog. Everyone can express themselves and get their point across without swearing. Pretend your grandmother is a blogger.

Oh...I have gotten out of the habit myself, but if you think of it date your post.

9:32 PM  
Blogger Mark said...


I just wanted to get a post in on Halloween!!!

Happy Hollow-Weiner, everybody!!!

10:46 PM  
Blogger Lyn said...

It amazes me how "popular" this site has become in just a short time. I have been reading since late August. My friends and I make the rounds about every other weekend. It's comical, people talk about it and you hear things from the site. People are talking about the hornet, molly, hardy, ross, mark, ziggy, hammer etc. I really love country music, my friends are not as keen, so we usually hit a rock place then a country place. We all detest Fat Boy's. The place is just nasty filthy with street hoes. Both times we have tried to get to the country club in Elyria, we have gotton lost out in the boon docks. Bull Frogs and Liquid Therapy are great. We have not ventured out to the Blue Moose yet. The Harry Buffalo was great but got a speeding ticket going about 33, so we have avoided that area for over a year. We like the nice places with food, parking and just the one regular scary guy. The summer concert seris and outdoor music festivals are the best. We do not go downtown Cleveland...ever. My friends humor me and I humor them. Together we have seen Kentucky Thunder, Nashville Bound, Laredo, Lawless, Rebels, Twangers, Heartland, Cap Gun Cowboys, Terry Lee Goffee, Misty,and Conestoga. We have been doing this long enough to see that many of the bands trade members or become new bands. Some people we see all the time with many bands, they are recognizable or taken the time to introduce themselves and invite us to their next thing, actually talked to us and not just hang out at the "groupie" table. Some of those "tables" are just plain mean. We have even learned a line dance or two. All the bands are doing a great job in keeping Cleveland country.

9:02 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Ziggy, you are correct!!!!

11:36 AM  
Blogger Molly said...


Not sure myself who Cap Gun Cowboys are! I caught their name on a link off the Lawless site. Lyn mentioning them too was a coincidence. It's been awhile since I've seen Nashville Bound but I think they're still around somewhere. Saw Restless a couple of months ago and they were really good.

12:27 PM  
Blogger Molly said...


I guess you could put it this way -I am unwilling to agree with people who have personal grudges agsint people. Just becuase you have a grudge doesn't mean you need to force feed it down my throat. I got it already! lol I am WILLING to acknowledge that you all have a problem: that being you keep trying to get me to "see the light". I do NOT dislike someone else because someone tells me I should. Try, try, try all you want. If you have a problem with someone, that's YOUR problem, not mine. I am very aware that people seem to hold a lot of hate for others for a long, long time. Again, LIFE IS WAY TOO SHORT! Look to the present and the future and don't live in the past. OK, no more preaching. Sorry...

Also, sorry to hear that Nashville Bound may be out of commission. I thought they were pretty good.

Lastly, the definition of gossip does not include the words "truth being repeated". It is "rumor or talk of a personal, sensational or initimate nature". Just thought I'd take a second to look that up. :-)

2:23 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

EXCELLENT points mytwocents! You're EXACTLY right when you say I don't feel what the other person is saying is valid. Their grudge is NOT my grudge. They can rant and rave about how somebody done them doesn't matter to me. It makes for lovely conversation though.

One example: Just because two people get divorced doesn't mean one person has to spend the rest of their life "dissing" that other person. Your life continues and you are the one who chooses to continue it with hate or by getting over it, so you can move on.

2:38 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Well, come out of your cave Bat Boy and say something relevant about Cleveland country music!

3:29 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Hi Lisa. I'm not new to this site and I'm confused by the now second to last post! lol Welcome - the more the merrier!

4:15 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:48 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

What do I remember!When I first stepped into the country scene almost 8 years ago,the first band I saw were the Curtis Brothers!I thought to myself,boy,Ive been missing out,these guys are great!Next I saw the band that played for almost 8 years at the Country Club which is now Fat Boys,cant think of their name off hand,and thought to myself these guys are really good too!Next came Heartland at the Last Chance in late October of 98!There were 7 or 8 guys playing on the stage and I was thinking to myself the only person missing was a guy blowing into a wine jug,"Im joking here"and they sounded really great!Next came Conestoga!Im on the wagon comes to mind!I thought they were incredible!Next I saw Nashville Bound and I still have Eddie Longs'cd ""Long Overdue""!I thought they were great!Next came the Last Chance Band, JP Country,Black River,Relentless,The Boot Band,Decade,Lawless,Kentucky Thunder,Rebels&Rogues,Laredo,Silver Spurs,Tabloid Twanglers!I,m pretty sure this is the order I saw them and I think they are all great!I for one cannot belittle,defame,slander,ridicule anybody in anyway,shape or form!I like them all!It seems like it turned into a cut throat business for reasons unknown!I for one like the idea of being able to go out somewhere and hear country music.If you have been hurt by someone in this business,try forming your own band.Others have done it and have been successful.""GodBless""

9:16 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


8:28 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

On another note.. every band in the Cleveland area is a great band they are all out their doing what they do and entertaining us the fans. Ya'll keep up the good work we are glad to have a great group of people playing our favorite music for us.. Everyone who's said something bad about Bucky knows for a FACT what he's done to former band members his lying ways are not tolerated and he pretty much deserves all the negativity he's receiving here.. if you dont like someone your free to voice your opinion.. doesnt necessarily mean anyone really cares though.. Bikerdoll.. when you coming up to party with all us again? LOL JDH tell lil sis who I am so she knows.

8:32 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LOL Nope Ross.. Laredo will be at the Blue Moose tonite.. Lawless at the Slyfox tomorrow and Scoundrels in Berea on Saturday.. Sorry thats all I know right now.. LOL anyone feel free to plug a few more dates in there..:)

10:39 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Amen Todd, Ross and Ray! I've been trying to get that message across - life's too short - get out of the past and look to the future. But, people just seem to like to dredge up past hurts, hard feelings, jealousy, etc. Go out, have fun, listen to some music and support the bands that you enjoy seeing. If you don't like a particular band, don't attend their gigs! You won't be missed! Do something that you enjoy.

Ray: Is this "Polka Meets Country" show just a once a year thing?

10:48 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Hey John... Todd's right. These haters aren't even worth the little bit of energy you exert to type a reply. F 'em!!!

Hey Laredo boys... See you tonight at the Blue Moose!

11:03 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

Well it seems like everyone had a blast at the polka event last year. Thanks for the info and I'm going to look into getting out there on Sat. night.


2:02 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

omg they are NOT braggin about themselves.. clevecountryfan why dont you be a real man/woman and tell JDH who you really are.. although seems your just gettin off on tryin to ruffle some feathers here... do you really think he gives a rat arse what you think.. only opinions that mean anything to him are those of his children and his parents.. everyone else can basically kiss his white arse LOL..

3:57 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

I just find it amusing how people have NO clue what happens outside the gigs in these guys lives.. w/ families/kids/full time jobs and what not.. these guys are busting their butts to do what they love to do and trying to maintain some sort of normalicy in their lives.. Hardy is a single father raising two teenage daughters and that in its self is a fulltime job... but he has goals in his life he wants the best for his kids and wont stop til he gets it.. as do all the other players in every local band around here.. lets not be so quick to talk negatively about them and rather give them some props for having hectic sometimes caotic lives and yet still able to come out and entertain us with smile .. we need to turn this negativity around here..

4:27 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

And I thought everyone was going to start playing nice.......

11/2, 8 PM

8:12 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Hey sara.. Im merely stating that if this person dislikes hardy then why not reveal who they really are?? Ive told you before Its no secret who I am.. hell someone at the bar last nite told me they knew who I was... lol that was funny!

7:42 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

clevecountryfan.. Listen i give ANY man credit that takes custody of his kids and raises them on their own.. no one said Hardy was the only man doing that.. lots of men do it I know this.. my brother also did it.. I'm just sayin that I have alot of respect for a man who works his butt off to provide for his children.. now drop it!

8:04 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

UMMM hello McFly he's in a band .. bands play in bars.. AND YOU have no clue how much respect his children hold for him.. so again dont talk about stuff you know nothing about .. again any SINGLE parent raising kids is a hard job.. i work two jobs.. I bartend.. so does that make me a bad mother because I want more for my kid?? People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones..

10:24 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Yeah I hear ya.. *wink* I'm done.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

So who saw Laredo last nite at the Blue Moose??

10:49 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Is there anybody in here going to the Keith Urban concert tonight?If you are,just a reminder that WGAR is going to be at the Blind Pig on west 6th between St Clair and Lakeside at 4pm!If your going,Ill be there!Let me buy you a drink!lol

10:51 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LOL Mr lookin.. your still tryin that let me buy you a drink move eh?? LOL I wish I was goin to Keith Urban tonite ... But I cant go to them all.. Gary Allan and Sara Evans take priority LOL

10:53 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

That drink thing is to confusing!It dont work!Im still not sure what it means when a girl buys me a drink!lol

10:58 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Why cant you go to Keith Urban?Think about it!Were talking about Keith Urban!Ill be in Section 1,25th row!I cant wait for Sara Evans!Shes hot!lol!I saw Brad Paisley at the Ohio State fair in August and Sugarland and Gary Allan at the Portage County fair!

11:06 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LOL no tixs but I guess I could get some.. lil tired after last nite though so Ill stay in and rest tonite.. lol

11:17 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Why dont you come down to the Blind Pig!Meet be there at 3pm!Ill buy you a drink and we can try to figure out what in the world is going on in here!I promise that by the time we figure it out,were both going to have ""The best time were never going to remember!

11:23 AM  
Blogger Michael said...


11:38 AM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Happy Bday MON!!!
I didnt know that last nite .. ?? LOL

11:46 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Hey Monica!Come down to the Blind Pig!Ill buy you a drink!

11:50 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

So who saw Laredo last nite at the Blue Moose??"

*Raises hand*


1:09 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LOL Mark yes you were there.. we havent met officially but I seen ya at the bar!! How's the elbow? LOL

1:14 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

lol Ami I was probably standing right by the door when ya came in.. Mark was sitting at the bar LOL

1:39 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

"LOL Mark yes you were there.. we havent met officially but I seen ya at the bar!! How's the elbow? LOL"

It's probably better that we don't officially meet... I'm not much to look at and I'm FAR more charming on message

As for my elbows... They are battered and bruised. I'm gonna have to see a doctor about getting those magnets

1:48 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Mark lol...

1:52 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Well,whoever you all are,have a wonderfulday!Keith Urban,here I come!

1:59 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

Mr Lookin you know me ya goof ball LOL

2:03 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Are you sure?How do you know this is me?

2:06 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Dude, if I went to a bar at 3:00 before I went to a concert, either one of two things would happen:

1. I'd never make it to the concert.


2. I'd get arrested at said concert.

2:07 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...



2:09 PM  
Blogger Mark said...


I have a feeling if I started drinking at 3:00, I'd be the one feeling strangely attracted to other people's drinking

2:15 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Im going early so I can eat!Im parking in the justice center first!The tricky part is leaving the justice center and saying hi to all the deputies and they know you and I know them and they know I was drinking!

2:15 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LOL sorry Caps lock .. but think of the entertainment LOL

2:16 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

How can I call you if I dont even know who you are!In a way I like it like this!It keeps you guessing!

2:18 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

lol you have me in your fone.. you called me one nite .. on the way home from rascal flatts was it?? hint hint but i didnt answer LOL whoops

2:20 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

I dont have a nakkedmonkey in my cell!You have me confused with someonelse!!!!!

2:23 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...

LMAO.. Mike you seen me last nite .. I didnt see u until later in the nite.. HINT HINT lol

2:24 PM  
Blogger Michael said...

Where did this allegedly take place!lol

2:26 PM  
Blogger Nakkedmonkey said...


2:33 PM  

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