OK I've been lurking around this blog for a while now. Guess it's time to join in. I too hope Kevin gets the boot. Like Chris alot. Always have liked those bad boys.
By day, mild-mannered wife, mother, and consultant... BUT......by night.....THE SCARLET BLOGGER!
Able to leap to the truth in a single bound Faster than everybody's ability to disagree with ANYTHING JDH says
Defender of truth, justice, and the American Idol
Yes, it's the Scarlet Blogger! Rocketed to Earth as a small child she tries to use her powers for good and to vanquish evil in which ever band she finds it!
Actually I don't think we need one. It's not Spanish or French he/she is trying to use to communicate with us. ZX needs to come back to Earth and specifically, America, and speak something a tad more intelligent.
I agree Tobykeithfan, too much time to try and decipher and then respond. It must be workin' for ZX though because he/she is continuing with it all. lol
kleo I guess, I would ask what took you so long to get here. Not everybody gets along...it goes in cycles. Tempers, opinions, clog blogging posts, grandiose predictions, gossip, IDOL, and useful information. It's not a BAD place...it grows on ya. You and your words are welcome!
The truth is...you ALL evaluate each other ALL the time.
Todd You are correct...some are more harsh than others. This is not news, it is understood.
Heartland Fans It's just a sad situation. I don't know what to tell you. You are between a rock and a hard place, under a burnt bridge. It's doubtful that you will be able to persuade anyone to your thinking...here. My own opinions of the leadership/mangement are very bleak, untoward, and regretfully unkind.
Webster, you are so right! All I have to say is...bygones.... Heartland gets trashed by many. Lawless only by one. BTW where is CCF? Did someone scare CCF off? Just as well. Although he or she is good entertainment. I for one will try to stay out of all the trashing and bashing. Like I said before, I love all the bands. Keep that music coming. It's the only way I can relieve all the stress from work. Love all you guys!
JDH- Why do I feel like I just bought a piece of stereo equipment when I read your entries?
Web- Correct! We all evaluate each other (and ourselves) continuously. The difference is, for the most part, we keep the results to ourselves. The ones who get "smacked upon" are generally the ones spreading smack against someone else.
Kleo- The Last Chance has been re-divided back into 2 store fronts. I was driving by the other day and the door was propped open so you could see the new wall. For all it was (and wasn't) I miss it too!
Todd- Go stand in the corner until you learn to control that potty mouth!
Heartland As if there hasn't been enough said! The posts are fairly consistent. Individual band members are NOT the target. The key issue has been how the talent/musicians are treated. ME...I have my own stories, and they are ugly. The "formers" list continues to grow...who can name them all?
Good Morning ! The only thing I care about is that it is Friday. I have bronchitis but being the country fan that I am I will take my medicine and venture out this weekend to listen to all that great country music! Where is everybody going this weekend?
I do beleive I didnt threaten you .. lol and you come on here trying to play holier than thou about Heartland... surely you had to have an indication that you'd be frowned upon for that? I wasnt nasty to you personally just dont come on here trying to praise when everyone here knows better.. plain and simple.
JDH Great review...except for the obvious errors that I thought I mentioned. Got distracted by a "story", and you/Jen taunting each other.
Kleo You are welcome to post, your topic of choice is not. The path you are chosing is cluttered with debris, and there are not enough trash bags to clean it up. You are comparing apples to oranges, and the rotten fruit resides in the Heartland.
LOL sorry had caps lock on cuz i use it all the time at work.. Lets face it the members in that band wont last none of them every do.. i remember on x band member imparticular who came out to harry buff to see another local band and said that the ring leader FORBADE him from going and see this particular quite popular country band.. lol thats pathetic
Nobeer, Don Pablos in just minutes from my house too and I've never been there! Bloggers night will be a great excuse to get there (as well as the marguaritas!).
I also recently cruised by the Last Chance and the sign is still up. It's been what, a year?! I think that if the building owner would have just fixed all those code violations it could have been a decent place. At least we have Ace's. :-) Stopped in last night for wings w/ my daughter.
Kleo, words to someone from someone who has been there....don't go there!!! lol (Nobeer, maybe this is what we were at odds about way back when!). I get out as much as possible to see ALL the bands and try to remain neutral. Heartland can win the Nobel Peace Prize (lol) and everyone will still hate them! And that's fine because that's their perogative. As Webster says, all words are welcome...just be prepared. lol
Hey at least we're off the subject of JDH's tongue talent! lol
OMG! I had only read a few posts before I posted. Way too much action on here last night. Just got to countryfanfromhell's post and I'm not sure I can go on. lol But I will...........
Nobeer, I'm pretty sure I'll be up at Ace's tomorrow night but it will be late. Not sure what's going on for tonight yet. If I can, I will stop by; it'll be good to meet you. How will I know who you are though? Borrow Web's feathers!
Thanks, Todd, for your generous offer to have Michael buy drinks...someone better let him know to hit the ATM on his way there!
I wish I didn't have so much work to do today. This could get very interesting.
Kleo: please stay away from the subject of Heartland. You can't tell me you haven't been following the posts. Why get everyone all reved up on Friday Morning? Everyone will be all worn out for tonight!
Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy-I am in no way trying to defend anyone or a band. I don't want to go down that road again and will let Kleo head on down there if he/she wants to! lol My only thought when I read your post was that if you don't go out and see the band play, speculating such as you did isn't humerous (to me anyway) but just downright mean. Cheap thrill for you perhaps, but without basis if you don't attend their gigs. I am definitely NOT wanting to get into the middle of anything...just voiced my opinion.
OK Michael, if that's the way it's going to be, then I will have to show up. :-) Of course, I do not see where MICHAEL is buying a round! What's up with that?
Guess we'll see Kleo and John at the next Heartland/Lawless gig! ROLFMAO!!!! It was a joke people! I'm sure someone will slam me on that one. However, I believe it's called "satire" 'round these parts.
Ross, I, for one, enjoyed your post. You said everything very well without bashing people. I personally have never wanted anyone to "justify past behaviors", just wanted people to get out of the past itself. You are doing great right where you are and living in the present. My hat is off to you, Ross.
NO WHERE IN THE SOUTH/COUNTRY do they use extra virgin olive oil for ANYTHING. The medium of choice is LARD, followed by bacon grease. Kosher Salt...you are kidding...right! Spice is pepper. Ya have the wrong cookbook for southern cookin!
You know me and I was just having fun with you. Lighten up. I know you like to see all the bands and you go to all the concerts. Wish I could afford to go too. I'm just here for the music.
Kleo I have been staring at my computer screen for twenty mintues trying to come up with something witty to post. It's not happening! I am annoyed that you have decided to pursue this again. The weekend is usually quiet...I like it that way. Your questions are not going to be answered here. Clearly, you want to remain in your punchy stupor.
Are Kleo's comments even getting on here? Or is he/she deleting them as fast as they're posted? Feeling like I'm only getting half of the conversation! lol
Again, kudos to Ross and now Ernie for trying to "set the record straight" and speak their minds without bashing. Good men.
Webster, I will also be at Fat Fish Blue tonight. Would like to meet you but not sure how I'd pick you out of the crowd. Robert Lockwood Jr.'s 91st b-day party so I'm sure it's going to be PACKED. If you can think of a way to hook up, e-mail me.
Molly Red Feathers! We will be @ FFB late this afternoon for private pre-party. Mr. Webster has promised a SKYNARD fix. We will be at Ghoulardi's tonight (without red feathers). This is probably one of the few things he just doesn't understand about his wife...SKYNARD ROCKS!
Yes...kleo was deleting as quickly as possible, all that is left is my responses.
I think Web finally got through to Kleo. No loss there.
Well, I'm off the rest of the week as it's spring break for my daughter.
Monica - great to "meet" you Saturday night. lol Even though we already knew each other as acquaintances, it was nice to b.s. a little about the blog. Wish I had gotten up to Ace's a little bit earlier to hear the band. Was supposed to go to Fat Fish Blue but how do you lose a reservation for eight?! lol They did so we ended up at Savannah's and stayed there later than planned.
Good idea Nobeer. THEN, when we got to Savannah's and they required a reservation too! However, they did make room for us. I couldn't believe a place would turn away a party that big and at least Savannah's came through.
Chef you fail to mention where the average chili maker can purchase kidney suet. For really good chili...skip the kidneys and pour in a bottle of beer!
Idol Update Contemporary pop...well, I just don't like it. Music from the last 6 years. ME...country music has been my contemporary.
Lioness...just turned down volume, and knew Bucky was safe for another week. Kellie...Suds ina Bucket was not a good choice. Shania would have kept her out of the bottom three tonight. Ace...Drops of Jupiter, showing the scar. Cripe, it looked like a romance novel cover. He's sliding in the polls. Taylor...Trouble, the song, not the polls. He's still on soul patrol and still a contender. Man-Diva...god loves her, and so does Barry, wish her many blessings. I love gospel...she was NOT inspiring. Chris Rocker...Creed/"What If" No more cowboy...just rocker, will he compormise for Idol? The rockers are not watching/voting. Katherine...OVERATED and feeling much better about "Suds in a Bucket". Bucky...the NEW underdog. Real Good Man, I say he's safe. Paris...Beyonce, "Work it Out" will work for another week. Elliott...HUH?
So there...Mr Webster, I was right! Bucky is safe. Lioness Lisa is headed home. Ace in the bottom three... again. Katherine was the shocker, even though I am not a fan. I thought Kellie would be there, instead she was safe, suds and all with the first annoucement.
pastposter Jen is not banned, she's still in Florida. We took the Heartland CD with us at the last minute. I have jotted down a few things, and will post sometime in the near future.
TheRealTBFoot said... By day, mild-mannered wife, mother, and consultant... BUT......by night.....THE SCARLET BLOGGER!
Able to leap to the truth in a single bound Faster than everybody's ability to disagree with ANYTHING JDH says
Defender of truth, justice, and the American Idol
Yes, it's the Scarlet Blogger! Rocketed to Earth as a small child she tries to use her powers for good and to vanquish evil in which ever band she finds it!
Good Lord...this is not where I wanted this photo. This is typical of my ability with a computer.
Seriously, I was trying to put THIS photo on my profile and OMG, this is where it landed.
I am sure that it could fall under pleasant distractions.
Yes, I am your plumed friend.
OK I've been lurking around this blog for a while now. Guess it's time to join in. I too hope Kevin gets the boot. Like Chris alot. Always have liked those bad boys.
By day, mild-mannered wife, mother, and consultant...
BUT......by night.....THE SCARLET BLOGGER!
Able to leap to the truth in a single bound
Faster than everybody's ability to disagree with ANYTHING JDH says
Defender of truth, justice, and the American Idol
Yes, it's the Scarlet Blogger!
Rocketed to Earth as a small child she tries to use her powers for good and to vanquish evil in which ever band she finds it!
Boy am I glad I had today off!!!!
Love ya, Web!!!
We need a translator!!!
Actually I don't think we need one. It's not Spanish or French he/she is trying to use to communicate with us. ZX needs to come back to Earth and specifically, America, and speak something a tad more intelligent.
ZX, why not speak English? You are in America, aren't you? If not, why bother?
Charlene, how are you? Hope your time off was nice and your desk wasn't totally covered when you got back! lol
Charlene, ain't that the truth!? These lawyers sometimes THINK they're running the office but we know the deal. lol
Oh My! I can't understand a word that guy is typing. Most guys I know can't spell anyway. Maybe that's it.
I wasn't even sure it was Spanish! lol Guess I forgot all of what I learned in high school. Kudos to you, Charlene.
Oh I'm not even gonna try to decipher what this guy is saying. I have more important things to worry about, like what I'm having for lunch !
Sara, too funny. I agree with you 100%...it ain't Michael! lol
I agree Tobykeithfan, too much time to try and decipher and then respond. It must be workin' for ZX though because he/she is continuing with it all. lol
Oh good grief! Will he never stop?
Only one more day and then ALL DRINK !!!!!
Maybe it is Michael. I think zx wants us to pay for breakfast.
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(Oh No Face)
its its its.. Gene Simmon's like.. lol ohh maybe i shouldnt have coffee at 3:30?? lol
Kleo, I think you got it!
Dounut Joe
Welcome back...it's been awhile.
when you return Todd's tonsils to the states, you will be expected to speak English.
welcome...how does what work?
great to see ya!
ooops...welcome kleo
I guess, I would ask what took you so long to get here.
Not everybody gets along...it goes in cycles. Tempers, opinions, clog blogging posts, grandiose predictions, gossip, IDOL, and useful information. It's not a BAD place...it grows on ya.
You and your words are welcome!
I know who xz/zx is...Don Pablo. He will be our host for bloggers night out along with nobeerhere.
The truth is...you ALL evaluate each other ALL the time.
You are correct...some are more harsh than others. This is not news, it is understood.
Heartland Fans
It's just a sad situation. I don't know what to tell you. You are between a rock and a hard place, under a burnt bridge. It's doubtful that you will be able to persuade anyone to your thinking...here. My own opinions of the leadership/mangement are very bleak, untoward, and regretfully unkind.
GOD forgives EVERYONE...humans do not!
Webster, you are so right! All I have to say is...bygones....
Heartland gets trashed by many. Lawless only by one. BTW where is CCF? Did someone scare CCF off? Just as well. Although he or she is good entertainment. I for one will try to stay out of all the trashing and bashing. Like I said before, I love all the bands. Keep that music coming. It's the only way I can relieve all the stress from work. Love all you guys!
Why do I feel like I just bought a piece of stereo equipment when I read your entries?
Correct! We all evaluate each other (and ourselves) continuously. The difference is, for the most part, we keep the results to ourselves. The ones who get "smacked upon" are generally the ones spreading smack against someone else.
The Last Chance has been re-divided back into 2 store fronts. I was driving by the other day and the door was propped open so you could see the new wall. For all it was (and wasn't) I miss it too!
Go stand in the corner until you learn to control that potty mouth!
From what I've heard...Nashville Bound!
timj and Brother Foot
very good! very funny!
kleo is the gentler/kinder CCF
anything but Heartland...Idol is a very good distraction.
Laredo will be Ace's friday and Saturday. Check out there website for the offical rules on tonsil replication...prizes!!
As if there hasn't been enough said! The posts are fairly consistent. Individual band members are NOT the target.
The key issue has been how the talent/musicians are treated.
ME...I have my own stories, and they are ugly.
The "formers" list continues to grow...who can name them all?
Good Morning !
The only thing I care about is that it is Friday. I have bronchitis but being the country fan that I am I will take my medicine and venture out this weekend to listen to all that great country music! Where is everybody going this weekend?
I do beleive I didnt threaten you .. lol and you come on here trying to play holier than thou about Heartland... surely you had to have an indication that you'd be frowned upon for that? I wasnt nasty to you personally just dont come on here trying to praise when everyone here knows better.. plain and simple.
Great review...except for the obvious errors that I thought I mentioned. Got distracted by a "story", and you/Jen taunting each other.
You are welcome to post, your topic of choice is not. The path you are chosing is cluttered with debris, and there are not enough trash bags to clean it up. You are comparing apples to oranges, and the rotten fruit resides in the Heartland.
LOL sorry had caps lock on cuz i use it all the time at work..
Lets face it the members in that band wont last none of them every do.. i remember on x band member imparticular who came out to harry buff to see another local band and said that the ring leader FORBADE him from going and see this particular quite popular country band.. lol thats pathetic
Nobeer, Don Pablos in just minutes from my house too and I've never been there! Bloggers night will be a great excuse to get there (as well as the marguaritas!).
I also recently cruised by the Last Chance and the sign is still up. It's been what, a year?! I think that if the building owner would have just fixed all those code violations it could have been a decent place. At least we have Ace's. :-) Stopped in last night for wings w/ my daughter.
Kleo, words to someone from someone who has been there....don't go there!!! lol (Nobeer, maybe this is what we were at odds about way back when!). I get out as much as possible to see ALL the bands and try to remain neutral. Heartland can win the Nobel Peace Prize (lol) and everyone will still hate them! And that's fine because that's their perogative. As Webster says, all words are welcome...just be prepared. lol
Hey at least we're off the subject of JDH's tongue talent! lol
lol im gonna laugh at myself.. whats pathetic is the way i typed that last post LOL @ me
OMG! I had only read a few posts before I posted. Way too much action on here last night. Just got to countryfanfromhell's post and I'm not sure I can go on. lol But I will...........
Lots to read! Is anyone actually working this morning!? lol
Nobeer, I'm pretty sure I'll be up at Ace's tomorrow night but it will be late. Not sure what's going on for tonight yet. If I can, I will stop by; it'll be good to meet you. How will I know who you are though? Borrow Web's feathers!
Thanks, Todd, for your generous offer to have Michael buy drinks...someone better let him know to hit the ATM on his way there!
I wish I didn't have so much work to do today. This could get very interesting.
please stay away from the subject of Heartland. You can't tell me you haven't been following the posts. Why get everyone all reved up on Friday Morning? Everyone will be all worn out for tonight!
Ziggy, I don't think there is justification to be just plain mean.
Nobeer I know someone who's called Big Bird LOL hangs at the Cafe? lol
Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy-I am in no way trying to defend anyone or a band. I don't want to go down that road again and will let Kleo head on down there if he/she wants to! lol My only thought when I read your post was that if you don't go out and see the band play, speculating such as you did isn't humerous (to me anyway) but just downright mean. Cheap thrill for you perhaps, but without basis if you don't attend their gigs. I am definitely NOT wanting to get into the middle of anything...just voiced my opinion.
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Pastposter: get what? old habits? You lost me. I'm just putting my two cents in like everyone else...just trying to refrain from being mean about it.
ZX: Welcome back! Speak English so all of us be included...my Spanish is too bad to even try. lol
Char & Nobeer, perhaps you'll agree. Attorneys' handwriting has got to be worse than doctors!
Ziggy: I was actually trying to "make nice". It's apparent you'd rather make fun of me. Whatever.
Howdy Michael!
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That is NOT the rumor as I heard it, Michael.
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OK Michael, if that's the way it's going to be, then I will have to show up. :-) Of course, I do not see where MICHAEL is buying a round! What's up with that?
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LOL nakkedmonkey is goin to see Larry The Cable Guy movie tonite.. so i wont be out and about in a bar that is.. at least I dont think.. lol
Michael, most of us are trying to find out "what he say"! LOL
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Guess we'll see Kleo and John at the next Heartland/Lawless gig! ROLFMAO!!!! It was a joke people! I'm sure someone will slam me on that one. However, I believe it's called "satire" 'round these parts.
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Michael defending Heartland? WOW
Molly's buying me a beer tonight Michael. You lose.
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This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Ross, I, for one, enjoyed your post. You said everything very well without bashing people. I personally have never wanted anyone to "justify past behaviors", just wanted people to get out of the past itself. You are doing great right where you are and living in the present. My hat is off to you, Ross.
Unless I get called by a client, I am home the rest of the day.
Enjoy the Dusty Armadillo. Great club, with built in crowd. Lots of line dancers! They will love you.
Appreciate another attempt to explain the obvious to Kleo, and anyone else that has a question.
Nope...I did not know that true fact about my favorite book. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I do need a Skynryd fix. Look for red feathers.
Curtis Brothers...Dusty Armadillo
Heartland...Fat Boys
Kentucky Thunder...Bull Frogs
Mr. Webster...Tequilla Blue
Whiskey Bent...OFF
Happy b-day to Mindi AND Nobeerhere!
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Would you mind posting your "Arthritis Walk/history" in English, and deleting the non-English versions? Thanks
The tonsils are not on Ebay.
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I KNOW where the tonsils are, I have always known where the tonsils are...and I am not telling!
Thank you honey!
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Mr. webster said I could NOT wear the red feathers Saturday night...but I am pretty sure we will be out to see you.
NO WHERE IN THE SOUTH/COUNTRY do they use extra virgin olive oil for ANYTHING. The medium of choice is LARD, followed by bacon grease. Kosher Salt...you are kidding...right! Spice is pepper. Ya have the wrong cookbook for southern cookin!
Michael Michael
You know me and I was just having fun with you. Lighten up. I know you like to see all the bands and you go to all the concerts. Wish I could afford to go too. I'm just here for the music.
Saturday 3/25
Well, it doesn't look like "spring break" this morning. Snow...ugh.
The first time I heard "Mr. Webster" was from my husband. He hasn't posted since November...to my knowledge. Not sure why.
God love ya!
"want to remain anonymous"
Thanks for the glass of wine last night. Your safe. The server respected your request despite frequent prodding.
Backwoods...off/see Whiskey Bent
Curtis Brothers...Dusty Armadillo
Heartland...Fat Boys
Vicious Cycle...Ghoulardis
Kentucky Thunder is off tonight, but will be at McCarthy's/downtown on Sunday.
Lawless is at the Sly Fox, Frank Dunch will be guesting.
Whiskey Bent is at Buffalo Wild Wings, Foot will be guesting.
Websters...Fat Fish Blue Party, then timj/vicious cycle, where I won't have to yell for SKYNYRD!
I have been staring at my computer screen for twenty mintues trying to come up with something witty to post. It's not happening! I am annoyed that you have decided to pursue this again. The weekend is usually quiet...I like it that way.
Your questions are not going to be answered here. Clearly, you want to remain in your punchy stupor.
OK...so now you have deleted your comment. Are you done now?
Kleo is busy this morning removing his/her posts. Takes longer than you thought...doesn't it.
I am hopeful that this means you will not be returning anytime soon, at least not with this screen name.
If you can't stand the heat...stay out of the flippen kitchen. This not rocket science. Your intent was to rile people up...you have.
ME...I am glad you are retreating.
When YOURS defrosts we'll talk.
You came here with malice and intent to incite people, and then want to talk about heart.
If your intent was to SET THE RECORD straight...you have done little to progress people's thinking. In addition, your remarks were just vampid.
It was nice to see you last weekend at Fat Boys. I truly do miss your smile up on stage.
Bands like to be defended but not by fans that are vicious.
Go play in somebody elses sandbox.
Are Kleo's comments even getting on here? Or is he/she deleting them as fast as they're posted? Feeling like I'm only getting half of the conversation! lol
Again, kudos to Ross and now Ernie for trying to "set the record straight" and speak their minds without bashing. Good men.
Webster, I will also be at Fat Fish Blue tonight. Would like to meet you but not sure how I'd pick you out of the crowd. Robert Lockwood Jr.'s 91st b-day party so I'm sure it's going to be PACKED. If you can think of a way to hook up, e-mail me.
Red Feathers!
We will be @ FFB late this afternoon for private pre-party. Mr. Webster has promised a SKYNARD fix. We will be at Ghoulardi's tonight (without red feathers). This is probably one of the few things he just doesn't understand about his wife...SKYNARD ROCKS!
Yes...kleo was deleting as quickly as possible, all that is left is my responses.
Hey All!
Thank God it's Sunday!
I love Sunday...there are still plenty of songs that can be written about Sunday.
Today (Sunday), is our spring break. We need a break from so many things. I am sure I will find a computer in my travels...I am not taking my laptop.
I appoint Ross the Ambassador of the blog while I am out of country...keep'em honest and don't let them taunt each other for more than a day.
It was great to get my SKYNYRD fix with Vicious Cycle and timj. Spring break started last night. LOVED it...hot damn I will go see these guys again.
great to meet you. I know we have crossed paths...Whiskeyville Still, Surf Side Six? Mr. Webster is pacing It's time to go!
If you go to the family reunion to meet girls, you might be a redneck.
If you miss the 5th grade graduation ceremony cause you had jury duty, you might be a redneck.
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Alright....you read the PD.
The answer is the late Buck Owens.
Please pass our condolences on to Mr. Webster and all those who we once "Bucked"
On the happy side, MERLE is still in the top 40!
Nobeer, congrats on returning to school.
I think Web finally got through to Kleo. No loss there.
Well, I'm off the rest of the week as it's spring break for my daughter.
Monica - great to "meet" you Saturday night. lol Even though we already knew each other as acquaintances, it was nice to b.s. a little about the blog. Wish I had gotten up to Ace's a little bit earlier to hear the band. Was supposed to go to Fat Fish Blue but how do you lose a reservation for eight?! lol They did so we ended up at Savannah's and stayed there later than planned.
Good idea Nobeer. THEN, when we got to Savannah's and they required a reservation too! However, they did make room for us. I couldn't believe a place would turn away a party that big and at least Savannah's came through.
There is no spring break for Idol...Ernie mumbles under his breath "down with Idol".
Update tomorrow.
you fail to mention where the average chili maker can purchase kidney suet.
For really good chili...skip the kidneys and pour in a bottle of beer!
Idol Update
Contemporary pop...well, I just don't like it. Music from the last 6 years. ME...country music has been my contemporary.
Lioness...just turned down volume, and knew Bucky was safe for another week.
Kellie...Suds ina Bucket was not a good choice. Shania would have kept her out of the bottom three tonight.
Ace...Drops of Jupiter, showing the scar. Cripe, it looked like a romance novel cover. He's sliding in the polls.
Taylor...Trouble, the song, not the polls. He's still on soul patrol and still a contender.
Man-Diva...god loves her, and so does Barry, wish her many blessings. I love gospel...she was NOT inspiring.
Chris Rocker...Creed/"What If" No more cowboy...just rocker, will he compormise for Idol? The rockers are not watching/voting.
Katherine...OVERATED and feeling much better about "Suds in a Bucket".
Bucky...the NEW underdog. Real Good Man, I say he's safe.
Paris...Beyonce, "Work it Out" will work for another week.
I think Lisa will be going home.
3/29 Idol Results
So there...Mr Webster, I was right!
Bucky is safe.
Lioness Lisa is headed home.
Ace in the bottom three... again. Katherine was the shocker, even though I am not a fan. I thought Kellie would be there, instead she was safe, suds and all with the first annoucement.
Country next week. Music to my ears!
Jen is not banned, she's still in Florida. We took the Heartland CD with us at the last minute. I have jotted down a few things, and will post sometime in the near future.
Got the mask at Jamie's Flea Market for Mardi Gras. Now it's hanging on the wall in the upstairs bathroom...go figure.
January 12, 007
I brought the red feathers out again...mostly for the MySpace readers. I was gonna clean up "the deletes" a little...but it is too time consuming.
May 6, 007
Reposted from March 22, 2006.
It's one of my favs from FOOT.
TheRealTBFoot said...
By day, mild-mannered wife, mother, and consultant...
BUT......by night.....THE SCARLET BLOGGER!
Able to leap to the truth in a single bound
Faster than everybody's ability to disagree with ANYTHING JDH says
Defender of truth, justice, and the American Idol
Yes, it's the Scarlet Blogger!
Rocketed to Earth as a small child she tries to use her powers for good and to vanquish evil in which ever band she finds it!
10:40 AM
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