I had hoped to have posted "something" on this thread by now...LOL!
As far as political geeks go, I belong to the group that has watched all the debates. NO...not the three in the past month. ALL the debates...49 in total.
Doesn't necessarily make me an authority, however, it would be tough for ANYONE to say; I am NOT informed.
SO...yesterday morning, I actually encountered ONE of those undecided voters. In experation, I said..."that is JUST lame". Doubt, I will be invited to her house to watch the returns.
My assessment...she does NOT want to say out loud in rural white bread America, she is voting for Obama.
I am NOT buying the Bradley effect; in fact, I believe we will witness the "reverse" Bradley effect.
Folks will say they have voted for Republican/McCain, when they have voted for Obama.
Recently, I encountered a young woman outside a night club with the "smokers". When I say young...I mean bout 30.
She clearly was leaning Obama in her private conversation with me. The kicker, she was afraid of what her "racist boyfriend" would think.
She used the word racist...not me. That revelation, in of itself could have led to whole different diatribe.
Instead, I stayed on topic, and advised her bout "little white lies". Let the racist boyfriend "think ya voted for McCain".
On a bigger scale, I find it ironic; the Republican Party keeps peddling their paltry few people of color onto the national scene to expouse their support of McCain.
More opportunity for "reverse" Bradley effect if ya ask me. Here's why...they WILL tell "little white lies" to keep their jobs.
It is my belief, when given the opportunity to cast a "private" vote for an African American...culture, historic relevance, and pride will be enough to melt their "rightie" hearts.
Perhaps, I am dead wrong bout the "reverse" Bradley effect. We will soon ALL know whether we have progressed.
Ya would all laugh, if ya knew what kind of time I spent preparing to post.
Many “posts” have NOT matured beyond the legal pad stage. The reasons why, well thought out, pre-scribed posts don’t get to the blog vary.
Sooooo...with that said.
Again, a remindar, my interest in politics is equivalent to a Cleveland sport’s junkie.
We desperately need the nuanced, intelligent, balanced, and forward thinking candidate for our president...that can speak to us with eloquence, and remain calm during a crisis.
We do NOT, let me say that again...we do NOT need anymore “cowboys or mavericks” in the White House.
If ya wanna know why...READ THE BLOG. Especially the LEFT threads.
Read the horse crap that went on during the last “national” political season. I was brutalized by the “cowboys and mavericks”.
It started in 03 with the Dixie Chicks and went down hill from there.
It is nothing NEW, to be called a fascist, a communist or this year’s buzz word..."socialist”.
Folks I know, wrote to me in 03/04 and would insist I was un-American...AKA know as “anti-American”. Better yet...I had “bad karma”.
Here we are in 2008...another political cycle, and another full circle.
The RIGHT must think we suffer from memory loss...kinda like their candidate.
Calling LIBERALS names or questioning their patriotism is NOT new.
Some on the RIGHT don’t mind being called “rednecks”...they relish in it, can NOT say the same for the folks on the LEFT being called communists.
I have posted several times, my concerns for McCain’s ability to be the leader of the free world.
It’s NOT because he called his wife a “c*&t” in front of the press corps.
The incident is well documented, and could potentially surface in the next 13 days. NOT exactly “family values” if ya ask me.
It’s NOT his bold-faced, recorded, batting eyes, lies during the 04 campaign regarding being selected as VP by John Kerry.
Reference “Meet the Press”. He said he would before he said he would NOT.
The REAL issue is he’s OLD. In my opinion, it is NOT appropriate to use his 90 something mother as a litmus test.
His mother is NOT racked with pain, bear the scars of life-long injuries or been diagnosed with “bouts’ of cancer.
In addition...we have NOT heard his mother articulate beyond loving her son.
ME...I have dedicated my career to senior adults. I am an authority...period.
The words erratic, unstable and forgetful are NOT the words we want to read/hear when we are talking about the president of the United States.
ME...I spend a majority of my waking hours with the over 70 crowd.
Nice people with great stories of the post depression era, the wars, and gas being a nickel a gallon.
Even the MOST healthy and sharp as a tack are NOT leader of the free world material.
The average senior adult is on at least 5 medications. The average senior adult has re-occurring issues with pain, and bladder function. The average senior adult requires more rest.
Maverick McCain is NOT healthy. Period.
His gaffes are rightfully being examined as pre-cursors to a more serious indication of memory impairment.
Look folks,...dementia/memory impairment disorders are a twenty year process.
It took decades for the Reagan administration to admit the process was underway during his tenure as President.
I think the more important question... FAR more important than race is... who is more qualified? If you were hiring somebody for a job (which is essentially what we're doing), which candidate is more qualified for the position?
Is it the old man who, in many ways, is cut from the same cloth as the current regime but has some worldly experience?
Or is it the fresh, young, charismatic Hollywood-fave who says all the right things but lacks the experience?
Much like the job interview process... Do you go w/ the older guy who's done it before or the new guy who may breathe some new life into a stale system?
That's the beauty of our process... It's for each one of us to decide @ the polls.
Race should not be an issue...but unfortunately it is. The "race card" is one that is not discussed in the media because it is a difficult issue to broach. But in todays world we need to be realistic and realize that race IS an issue and there are people out there that are NOT going to vote for him for the purely, what I think ludicrous reason, that he is a Black American.
If things were as easy as looking at the candidates as interviewees....well....anyone could have the job....and that would include you and I.
Obviously race is a societal issue. I really thought that went without saying but........ Maybe not.
And your comment? Well, Nobeerhere, that is a prime example of what is wrong w/ America. Looking at candidates as interviewees is PRECISELY what we should be doing. You mean to tell me tht you don't think the voting process is as simple as voting for the most qualified candidate? WHY NOT??? That's THE FUNDAMENTAL question we should each be asking ourselves when voting. "Is this person qualified for the job?" Individuals obviously must take into consideration the candidate's stance & views on issues that they feel are important. The other superfluous, mindless babble is the stuff we should disregard!
As for voting... It's really not anybody's business who votes for who (or is it whom? Mr. Web? Ruling?) & for what reasons. I'm merely speaking from an individual's point of view. It's not my job, your job or ANYBODY'S job to worry about anybody else's vote or be their moral police officer. All you can do is vote in a manner which you see fit.
So you see... Things really are as easy as hiring the most qualified candidate for the job. Really... Why wouldn't you want to?
May not be the same person I feel is most qualified...or Joe the Plumber thinks is the most qualified. Sometimes it is who will do the best job, and once again, who I think will do the best job and who you think will do the best job may not be the same.
I am not a racist. I am a realist. I simply wanted to state that there are people out there who will not vote for Obama because he is black. There are also people out there who will not vote for McCain because he is old. There are people that will vote for Obama because he is black, and people that will vote for McCain because he is "experienced."
Qualifications on paper are one thing, but where a person stands morally, religiously, socially, and economically does affect whether or not they will get a job...any job...even though you may think that is wrong...you need to jump on the reality bus and take a look at the big picture. It goes WAY beyond qualifications....dontcha think???
As I observe politics in Washington, I am often discouraged by the direction our nation is taking. Our government is growing almost totally out of control. Taxes are skyrocketing. Our national energy policy is failing. The economy is weak and getting weaker.
Even worse, all of the rhetoric and spin from the Democrat and Republican candidates for President suggests to me that they offer no real ideas for improvement.
Well, you know me, I'm a pretty independent thinking person. That's why I've decided to send Washington a message in the coming election. I'm supporting Bob Barr, the Libertarian nominee for President, and I hope you'll join me.
Bob Barr spent eight years in Congress as a Representative from Georgia. His intellect and leadership skills were quickly recognized. He rose to prominence as a result of his courageous commitment to principle. Bob Barr was and is a strong defender of your civil rights. He will fight to protect our privacy against "big brother" and he'll defend our right to keep and use firearms. Bob will cut government spending, and taxes. And, he'll balance our budget. Bob's plan to tackle our national energy crisis includes embracing new technologies and conservation - but also, more domestic production and refining.
I'm asking you to join me in supporting his candidacy by visiting www.BobBarr2008.com. Together, we can make a difference. Visit his campaign on the Internet to sign up for their news and information and if you can make a donation - just $5 or $10 will make a difference - then I encourage you to do so.
nobeerhere Thanks for popping in and sharing. Great to hear from ya.
ME Gotta ask...why do think/sense Obama might NOT be a natural born citizen?
Mark We agree. Voting is a personal/private choice. The voters, are the hiring committee. The hiring committee is STILL discussing which "qualifications" are of MOST value. It is doubtful that 10% of the committee is STILL undecided... I am NOT policing, I am sharing my perspective to the committee members.
Do not insult my intelligence Mark. I understand what you are saying, because I put a different spin on things it makes me unable to grasp your simplistic views??? That is just it, I think you ARE simplistic and do not look at the entire picture.
That is my 2 cents, hope I haven't thrown it ove your head.
In June, the Obama campaign released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate to quell speculative charges that he might not be a natural-born citizen. But the image prompted more blog-based skepticism about the document's authenticity. And recently, author Jerome Corsi, whose book attacks Obama, said in a TV interview that the birth certificate the campaign has is "fake."
We beg to differ. FactCheck.org staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.
Ummmmm, I have changed my mind, we might NOT agree! LOL!
Yeppers...after a little nuanced thinking, I have concluded, influencing the “undecided” or “waffling” is the correct thing to do.
OK, we agree, ALL voters are on the hiring committee. However, too many committee members have NOT been paying attention, even worse, they don’t have correct information.
NOW...it is my opinion, that the “fringers” that think Obama was NOT born in the US, or that he is “Arab/Muslim” or a “terrorist” are embracing reasons NOT to vote for Obama.
Although, there could be three other people along with "me", "sending a message to Washington".
I will take it a step further and think it out loud...MANY of these folks are unwilling to state publicly, they will NOT cast a vote for Obama because he’s NOT white.
I can NOT help or influence these folks. It is what it is. They are NOT undecided.
Wow! She replaced me with Obama.
Jackson Browne is 60 today.
Sharon Osbourne is 56.
Tony Shalhoub is 55. "Monk"
Zachery Ty Bryan is 27.
1986 - The musical The Phantom of the Opera has its first performance.
1967 - A day after being caught, Che Guevara is executed for attempting to incite a revolution in Bolivia.
October 16, 2008
Good Morning
I had hoped to have posted "something" on this thread by now...LOL!
As far as political geeks go, I belong to the group that has watched all the debates.
NO...not the three in the past month.
ALL the debates...49 in total.
Doesn't necessarily make me an authority, however, it would be tough for ANYONE to say; I am NOT informed.
SO...yesterday morning, I actually encountered ONE of those undecided voters.
In experation, I said..."that is JUST lame". Doubt, I will be invited to her house to watch the returns.
My assessment...she does NOT want to say out loud in rural white bread America, she is voting for Obama.
I am NOT buying the Bradley effect; in fact, I believe we will witness the "reverse" Bradley effect.
Folks will say they have voted for Republican/McCain, when they have voted for Obama.
Recently, I encountered a young woman outside a night club with the "smokers".
When I say young...I mean bout 30.
She clearly was leaning Obama in her private conversation with me. The kicker, she was afraid of what her "racist boyfriend" would think.
She used the word racist...not me.
That revelation, in of itself could have led to whole different diatribe.
Instead, I stayed on topic, and advised her bout "little white lies". Let the racist boyfriend "think ya voted for McCain".
On a bigger scale, I find it ironic; the Republican Party keeps peddling their paltry few people of color onto the national scene to expouse their support of McCain.
More opportunity for "reverse" Bradley effect if ya ask me. Here's why...they WILL tell "little white lies" to keep their jobs.
It is my belief, when given the opportunity to cast a "private" vote for an African American...culture, historic relevance, and pride will be enough to melt their "rightie" hearts.
Perhaps, I am dead wrong bout the "reverse" Bradley effect.
We will soon ALL know whether we have progressed.
Ummm...who the flip is "Joe the plumber"? My guess..."Joe six-pack's" son.
Ya would all laugh, if ya knew what kind of time I spent preparing to post.
Many “posts” have NOT matured beyond the legal pad stage.
The reasons why, well thought out, pre-scribed posts don’t get to the blog vary.
Sooooo...with that said.
Again, a remindar, my interest in politics is equivalent to a Cleveland sport’s junkie.
We desperately need the nuanced, intelligent, balanced, and forward thinking candidate for our president...that can speak to us with eloquence, and remain calm during a crisis.
We do NOT, let me say that again...we do NOT need anymore “cowboys or mavericks” in the White House.
If ya wanna know why...READ THE BLOG. Especially the LEFT threads.
Read the horse crap that went on during the last “national” political season.
I was brutalized by the “cowboys and mavericks”.
It started in 03 with the Dixie Chicks and went down hill from there.
It is nothing NEW, to be called a fascist, a communist or this year’s buzz word..."socialist”.
Folks I know, wrote to me in 03/04 and would insist I was un-American...AKA know as “anti-American”.
Better yet...I had “bad karma”.
Here we are in 2008...another political cycle, and another full circle.
The RIGHT must think we suffer from memory loss...kinda like their candidate.
Calling LIBERALS names or questioning their patriotism is NOT new.
Some on the RIGHT don’t mind being called “rednecks”...they relish in it, can NOT say the same for the folks on the LEFT being called communists.
October 22, 2008
Right leaning moderates are FINALLY mortified by the “Palin pick”.
Took a tad longer than expected. I am pretty confident, that I posted “somewhere” she was selected to shore up the base.
A short news cycle prior to “the pick”, Mr. Maverick McCain was NOT very popular with his party/base.
Mitt Romeny was booted out of the primaries/VP pick for being Mormon.
Rudy was booted out for being a thrice married, twice divorced, gay-rights supporter, and thinking it was OK for women to have to the right to chose.
Top choice, Lieberman, would have caused chaos/riots at the convention.
Evangelical women, cowboys and mavericks LOVE Ms. Palin.
The rest the voting block...NOT so much.
To my delight...six of my “rightie” friends are voting for Obama.
I am prayerful it’s an undocumented/unpolled trend.
Ummm...the reasons, Palin matters.
I have posted several times, my concerns for McCain’s ability to be the leader of the free world.
It’s NOT because he called his wife a “c*&t” in front of the press corps.
The incident is well documented, and could potentially surface in the next 13 days.
NOT exactly “family values” if ya ask me.
It’s NOT his bold-faced, recorded, batting eyes, lies during the 04 campaign regarding being selected as VP by John Kerry.
Reference “Meet the Press”. He said he would before he said he would NOT.
The REAL issue is he’s OLD.
In my opinion, it is NOT appropriate to use his 90 something mother as a litmus test.
His mother is NOT racked with pain, bear the scars of life-long injuries or been diagnosed with “bouts’ of cancer.
In addition...we have NOT heard his mother articulate beyond loving her son.
ME...I have dedicated my career to senior adults.
I am an authority...period.
The words erratic, unstable and forgetful are NOT the words we want to read/hear when we are talking about the president of the United States.
ME...I spend a majority of my waking hours with the over 70 crowd.
Nice people with great stories of the post depression era, the wars, and gas being a nickel a gallon.
Even the MOST healthy and sharp as a tack are NOT leader of the free world material.
The average senior adult is on at least 5 medications. The average senior adult has re-occurring issues with pain, and bladder function. The average senior adult requires more rest.
Maverick McCain is NOT healthy. Period.
His gaffes are rightfully being examined as pre-cursors to a more serious indication of memory impairment.
Look folks,...dementia/memory impairment disorders are a twenty year process.
It took decades for the Reagan administration to admit the process was underway during his tenure as President.
Sooooooo...do ya really want Ms. Palin in charge?
Web, I could not agree with your last post more.
My favorite question to ask people who are "undecided" because they are unsure about McCain is... and I hope I poke some people with this one....
If Obama were white, would you vote for him????
I think the more important question... FAR more important than race is... who is more qualified? If you were hiring somebody for a job (which is essentially what we're doing), which candidate is more qualified for the position?
Is it the old man who, in many ways, is cut from the same cloth as the current regime but has some worldly experience?
Or is it the fresh, young, charismatic Hollywood-fave who says all the right things but lacks the experience?
Much like the job interview process... Do you go w/ the older guy who's done it before or the new guy who may breathe some new life into a stale system?
That's the beauty of our process... It's for each one of us to decide @ the polls.
Race should not be an issue...but unfortunately it is. The "race card" is one that is not discussed in the media because it is a difficult issue to broach. But in todays world we need to be realistic and realize that race IS an issue and there are people out there that are NOT going to vote for him for the purely, what I think ludicrous reason, that he is a Black American.
If things were as easy as looking at the candidates as interviewees....well....anyone could have the job....and that would include you and I.
Obviously race is a societal issue. I really thought that went without saying but........ Maybe not.
And your comment? Well, Nobeerhere, that is a prime example of what is wrong w/ America. Looking at candidates as interviewees is PRECISELY what we should be doing. You mean to tell me tht you don't think the voting process is as simple as voting for the most qualified candidate? WHY NOT??? That's THE FUNDAMENTAL question we should each be asking ourselves when voting. "Is this person qualified for the job?" Individuals obviously must take into consideration the candidate's stance & views on issues that they feel are important. The other superfluous, mindless babble is the stuff we should disregard!
As for voting... It's really not anybody's business who votes for who (or is it whom? Mr. Web? Ruling?) & for what reasons. I'm merely speaking from an individual's point of view. It's not my job, your job or ANYBODY'S job to worry about anybody else's vote or be their moral police officer. All you can do is vote in a manner which you see fit.
So you see... Things really are as easy as hiring the most qualified candidate for the job. Really... Why wouldn't you want to?
Who do you think is the most qualified??
May not be the same person I feel is most qualified...or Joe the Plumber thinks is the most qualified. Sometimes it is who will do the best job, and once again, who I think will do the best job and who you think will do the best job may not be the same.
I am not a racist. I am a realist. I simply wanted to state that there are people out there who will not vote for Obama because he is black. There are also people out there who will not vote for McCain because he is old. There are people that will vote for Obama because he is black, and people that will vote for McCain because he is "experienced."
Qualifications on paper are one thing, but where a person stands morally, religiously, socially, and economically does affect whether or not they will get a job...any job...even though you may think that is wrong...you need to jump on the reality bus and take a look at the big picture. It goes WAY beyond qualifications....dontcha think???
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear CCMB,
As I observe politics in Washington, I am often discouraged by the direction our nation is taking. Our government is growing almost totally out of control. Taxes are skyrocketing. Our national energy policy is failing. The economy is weak and getting weaker.
Even worse, all of the rhetoric and spin from the Democrat and Republican candidates for President suggests to me that they offer no real ideas for improvement.
Well, you know me, I'm a pretty independent thinking person. That's why I've decided to send Washington a message in the coming election. I'm supporting Bob Barr, the Libertarian nominee for President, and I hope you'll join me.
Bob Barr spent eight years in Congress as a Representative from Georgia. His intellect and leadership skills were quickly recognized. He rose to prominence as a result of his courageous commitment to principle. Bob Barr was and is a strong defender of your civil rights. He will fight to protect our privacy against "big brother" and he'll defend our right to keep and use firearms. Bob will cut government spending, and taxes. And, he'll balance our budget. Bob's plan to tackle our national energy crisis includes embracing new technologies and conservation - but also, more domestic production and refining.
I'm asking you to join me in supporting his candidacy by visiting www.BobBarr2008.com. Together, we can make a difference. Visit his campaign on the Internet to sign up for their news and information and if you can make a donation - just $5 or $10 will make a difference - then I encourage you to do so.
Your friend for Liberty,
PS is Obama a NAtural born citizen? Its the 1st requirement to be prez.
Thanks for popping in and sharing. Great to hear from ya.
Gotta ask...why do think/sense Obama might NOT be a natural born citizen?
We agree. Voting is a personal/private choice. The voters, are the hiring committee. The hiring committee is STILL discussing which "qualifications" are of MOST value.
It is doubtful that 10% of the committee is STILL undecided...
I am NOT policing, I am sharing my perspective to the committee members.
I know that you know & understand what I'm saying, Web. Apparently Noobeehere is having a problem grasping the concept of my simplistic views.
Oh well... just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in... Apparently I've thrown it too far above some heads.
Do not insult my intelligence Mark. I understand what you are saying, because I put a different spin on things it makes me unable to grasp your simplistic views??? That is just it, I think you ARE simplistic and do not look at the entire picture.
That is my 2 cents, hope I haven't thrown it ove your head.
I retract that staement sorry.
In June, the Obama campaign released a digitally scanned image of his birth certificate to quell speculative charges that he might not be a natural-born citizen. But the image prompted more blog-based skepticism about the document's authenticity. And recently, author Jerome Corsi, whose book attacks Obama, said in a TV interview that the birth certificate the campaign has is "fake."
We beg to differ. FactCheck.org staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.
It is sooooooo painfully difficult for me to respond to you without condemning your ignorance.
While I am pleased, ya took the time to answer the question yourself.
It's unfortunate; ya were forced to look up the "facts" regarding Obama's birth in Hawaii.
I will skip the rhetoric of "fringer" support for a "spoiler", as I believe this political cycle; Bob Barr is a "spoiler" for the right.
Back to Mark...
Ummmmm, I have changed my mind, we might NOT agree! LOL!
Yeppers...after a little nuanced thinking, I have concluded, influencing the “undecided” or “waffling” is the correct thing to do.
OK, we agree, ALL voters are on the hiring committee.
However, too many committee members have NOT been paying attention, even worse, they don’t have correct information.
NOW...it is my opinion, that the “fringers” that think Obama was NOT born in the US, or that he is “Arab/Muslim” or a “terrorist” are embracing reasons NOT to vote for Obama.
Although, there could be three other people along with "me", "sending a message to Washington".
I will take it a step further and think it out loud...MANY of these folks are unwilling to state publicly, they will NOT cast a vote for Obama because he’s NOT white.
I can NOT help or influence these folks. It is what it is. They are NOT undecided.
It's OK, Web... Unlike some... I could care less if anyone agrees with me. :-}~~~
Have you voted yet?
Don't pass up this chance to be part of history! One way or the other.
Or am I preaching to the choir?
Looks like the man with the most experience did not get hired...HalleluYEAH!
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